
Designer vagina procedures surge as top doc blames popularity on tight leggings

A top plastic surgeon has revealed the reason behind the increase in designer vagina surgeries.

Labiaplasty, known as designer vagina, is a cosmetic procedure that uses a scalpel or laser to reduce the size of the labia minora.

It is a procedure which has surged in popularity in recent years.

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According to Plastic Surgery Group, there has been almost a 70% increase in requests for the procedure.

Juvenis Clinic chief surgeon Dr John Skevofilax has performed roughly 50 of them in 2021 alone.

And now he reckons tight clothes for women is to blame.

Surgeon with his team in the operating room.
The procedure is on the rise

He told MailOnline: “Exercise clothing is a little bit tighter and it’s form fitting so it does put pressure on the area.

“They experience pain and discomfort, a lot of women will feel so uncomfortable that they avoid trying to wear this clothing.

“It’s all interlinked, choosing a pair of leggings which causes discomfort and draws attention to the labia and the need for surgery.”

According to Dr John, women seeking a “designer vagina” is to remedy pain and discomfort while wearing clothes.

He also said the connotations with porn are “dangerous and misleading” as it pushes shame on women seeking pain relief.

The expert added: “Women should be able to wear whatever they want to wear.

“If they choose tight clothing, for instance yoga pants because they are following a specific fashion trend.”

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