
Giants announcers take a break from the game explaining and doing the daily WORDLE puzzle on air

Tom Hanks once said, in the movie A League of their Own, that there is no crying in baseball. 

He never said anything about completing a daily word puzzle not being in baseball now did he?

In the midst of a close 1-1 ballgame, Hall of Fame Giants announcer Jon Miller was introduced to the magic of Wordle, the popular online word guessing game.

Miller and his broadcast partner Dave Flemming spent the entire bottom half of the fourth inning both explaining and completing the day’s Wordle puzzle as the game was going on below them.

Highlights included Flemming explaining the game, and the way it works, the meaning behind the colors of each of the letters, and revealing that the name of the game was inspired by its inventor, Josh Wardle.

At one point, while Tommy LaStella was up to bat, Flemming remarked ‘I should actually call the game,’ but proceeded to explain the way Wordle worked. 

While Miller was attempting to work out how the game operated, he was receiving messages not laughing at him or telling him what they thought of his call.

‘I’ve been getting text messages now from friends saying, “Well don’t mention what the word is, I haven’t done mine yet for today!”‘ 

It’s unclear if Miller found a way to win in Wordle, but his Giants were unable to win the ball game, falling to the Diamondbacks 3-2. 

Giants broadcaster Jon Miller tried his hand at Wordle for the first time live on air

Giants broadcaster Jon Miller tried his hand at Wordle for the first time live on air