ITV’s Isla Traquair breaks down and sobs in court as ‘campaign of vengeance’ stalker avoids jail
A former ITV and Channel 5 news presenter told a court today while sobbing that her stalker neighbour waged a ‘campaign of vengeance’ as he avoided jail.
‘Terrified’ Isla Traquair suffered nightmares and panic attacks due to the unwanted attentions of Jonathan Barrett, who stared into her bedroom window and ‘chainsawed’ a bush in her garden.
She tearfully explained to the court how Barrett’s ‘weird’ behaviour had been more terrifying than ‘confronting murderers’ in her journalistic work.
The 42-year-old, who recently worked on the Oprah Winfrey Network, was ‘riddled with anxiety’ from his actions which began when he climbed over her garden wall and then entered her house to offer her a sandwichsoon after she moved into her home in Wiltshire.
‘Insidious’ Barrett carried out his campaign from March to September 2021, which led to her being unable to eat or sleep properly, fearful of leaving her home and finally fleeing the idyllic 1700s country cottage, on the edge of the Cotswolds.
Barrett, 54, denied stalking or harassing his neighbour and even claimed it was she who had become ‘fixated’ on him.
But on Thursday he was ordered to complete 300 hours of community service and pay £715 in costs after being convicted of stalking his next door neighbour in a trial last month.
Following the case, Ms Traquair today demanded a complete overhaul of the way the justice system handles stalking cases and insisted Barrett should have been jailed.
Former ITV and Channel 5 newsreader Isla Traquair, 42, felt trapped in her Cotswolds cottage
Barrett (above), 53, who was convicted of stalking at Salisbury Magistrates Court, ‘terrorised’ Ms Traquair for seven months, even climbing over her garden wall and entering her house to offer her a sandwich
‘Insidious’ Barrett (pictured in his garden), 54, climbed over her wall and then entered her house to offer her a sandwich and she was soon left unable to eat or sleep properly and fearful of leaving her home
He was also previously handed a restraining order to not contact Ms Traquair or to enter or look into her property for one year.
The journalist became so fearful of her neighbour that she spent thousands of pounds fortifying her home with fences and security cameras before leaving late one evening to stay on a friend’s sofa.
Ms Traquair requested to appear via live link at Salisbury Magistrates’ Court to personally describe the ‘devastating’ impact of Barrett’s actions.
Wearing a blue shirt with a black jumper – and struggling to speak through her consistent tears – Ms Traquair today said: ‘Writing this very short statement is one of the hardest things I have ever had to write.
‘Usually I am writing about other people, and I never thought I would end up in this position.
‘I have been scared and in a state of fear for my safety since early 2021. Things got so bad I had to leave my home suddenly.
‘My friend’s husband collected me late at night so I could sleep on their sofa. Every aspect of my life has been negatively impacted.
‘The insidious effect of [Barrett’s] erratic behaviour to intimidate me and cause me fear has been devastating.
‘His behaviour has caused damage to my health and mental health.
‘I have been riddled with anxiety. I have been to some of the most dangerous places in the world, confronting murderers.
‘But I have never felt as scared as I did in a remote home in rural Wiltshire.
‘I didn’t feel safe to leave my house or walk my dog. I didn’t feel safe to wear certain clothes and didn’t even feel safe inside my own home.
‘I had no choice but to move out of my beautiful home. I can’t see myself living in this home whilst this stalker lives next door.’
Ms Traquair requested to appear via live link at Salisbury Magistrates’ Court to personally describe the ‘devastating’ impact of Barrett’s actions
The journalist became so fearful of her neighbour that she spent thousands of pounds fortifying her home with fences and security cameras before leaving late one evening to stay on a friend’s sofa
Ms Traquair, originally from Aberdeen in northeast Scotland, also recently released a true crime podcast, ‘The Storyteller: Violent Delights’.
Prosecutor Alicia Doble had told Barrett’s trial last month that Ms Traquair was a ‘relatively well known journalist’, and explained Mr Barrett became ‘obsessed’ with her after she moved into the home next to his.
Ms Traquair added: ‘My health has suffered; I can’t eat properly, sleep properly, it has impacted my relationships.
‘It was relentless and tedious to explain [to people]. I have had nothing to offer as a human being. I focus on helping victims of crime, and here I was not being able to help myself.
‘Stalking is not just a list of offences, it is an accumulation of hundreds of things that cause fear and alarm. It is truly terrifying.
‘There is no excuse to justify [Barrett’s] campaign of vengeance. Stalking does not leave a physical bruise, but it does rob you of any sense of safety and security, of your ability to relax and to function as your normal self.
‘I pity him that this was his focus and gave him some sort of satisfaction. As a single female far from loved ones, I didn’t stand a chance.
‘I don’t want him to be able to cause fear and alarm to anyone ever again.’
Ms Traquair, originally from Aberdeen in northeast Scotland, recently worked on the Oprah Winfrey Network in the United States and released a true crime podcast, ‘The Storyteller: Violent Delights’
The journalist became so terrified of her obsessive stalker that she spent thousands of pounds fortifying her home with fences and security cameras before eventually fleeing her home in the small Wiltshire town of Corsham
When she first met him, after completing her home in January 2021, she told the Mail on Sunday: ‘He blocked my car in and was quite agitated, accusing me of having been in his garden, trampling his bushes and letting my dog foul in there, which was rubbish.’
Rattled, she went back a few weeks later to make peace. ‘He told me, ‘I’ve never done anything aggressive.’ I know now that this is not true, because he has a previous conviction for assault.’
At first she assumed Barrett’s regular presence was a coincidence. ‘My garden kind of wraps around his and drops down the hillside. I was also in and out the front, carrying building waste or materials up the steps. It felt like almost every time I went out, front or back, he was there, trying to engage me in conversation.’
Recalling when the ‘disturbing’ intrusion began, Ms Traquair: ‘He was just suddenly there,’ she says. ‘I was in the living room. I was working away on the floor, listening to a podcast, so I had earphones in. I nearly jumped out of my skin. He’d come through the conservatory, which meant he must have leapt over the fence at the back.
‘He said, ‘You haven’t eaten, have you? You eat salmon, don’t you? I’ll make you a sandwich.’ ‘
She declined, saying she had food in the fridge, but he insisted, returning later with a sandwich ‘which he watched me eat’.
‘The only way he could know I hadn’t eaten would be if he’d been watching me. It was weird, creepy.’
‘We’d had a conversation previously when he’d recommended a butcher. I’d told him I didn’t eat red meat. He’d obviously clocked that, stored it away.’
‘This is the problem,’ she says. ‘Taken out of context, all the incidents seem quite trivial. You start to think you are going mad.
‘When you are installing security cameras, putting film on the windows to stop him being able to see in, going round checking all your windows, having panic attacks, because you know that these cases can end up with murder, you think, ‘Is it me?”
Ms Traquair, originally from Aberdeen, used to present ITV and Channel 5 news. She has recently worked on the Oprah Winfrey Network in the United States and released a true crime podcast ‘The Storyteller: Violent Delights’
She said things began to ‘escalate’ and he would charge into her house, swearing and shouting, then he would wear a ‘dressing gown, barely tied’ staring through her bedroom window under a tree, and also throw stones at her house.
From June onwards, Isla documented dozens more incidents, including a video of Barrett triggering motion sensors by putting a collapsed clothes horse against her fence — while naked.
‘I happened to be on the phone to a police sergeant at the time,’ she recalls. ‘At first I thought it was a ladder.’
When Barrett was arrested in July (2021), he told officers he thought Ms Traquair ‘petty’ and claimed she had ‘divorced a wealthy man who runs a hire company up in Scotland’, adding ‘because of her job, she knew which buttons to press with the police’.
He also claimed Traquair had become ‘disturbed’ from working on her true crime podcast, something he admitted knowing about her because he researched her life on Wikipedia.
Barrett, who lives in a £380,000 one bed semi-detached home next to Ms Traquair’s in the village of Corsham, was convicted of one charge of stalking following his trial.
He earlier told the court: ‘I know she was telling true crime murder stories and I think seeking out stories that send chills down people’s spines has become a fixation for her that she lives on, that fear.
‘This is all happening during the lockdown period and I think she’s formed a fixation on me that I’m feeding that fear for her.
‘I think fear sustains her. I’m not doing anything intentionally to feed her fear, she’s just caught in a self-elevating spiral of fear.’
Barrett, who lives in a £380,000 one bed semi-detached home next to Ms Traquair’s in the village of Corsham, was found guilty of stalking at Salisbury Magistrates Court (pictured)
Today, Lead Magistrate Mina Searles warned him he could be sent to prison if he failed to adhere to requirements imposed by the court.
Mrs Searles told him: ‘I am going to give you a warning: if you break any of the requirements your sentence could be increased. This can include going to jail.
‘I am obliged to remind you there is a current restraining order. If you breach that, you can be arrested and brought back to court.’
Ms Traquair said outside the court that conviction rates in stalking cases are ‘shockingly low’ and that it feels like there is ‘no escape’ for victims like herself.
She said: ‘The court proceedings may have ended today but my ordeal hasn’t. I don’t know if I will ever feel safe. The only thing that would have made me feel safe temporarily is if he was jailed.
‘I appreciate that it is extremely rare for there to even be a conviction in stalking so I am one of the ‘lucky’ victims. I’m aware he received the maximum hours of community service but is that going to stop him?
‘I was informed that the probation report said he did not admit or acknowledge the crime and he had a distorted view of me. That is extremely worrying to hear.
‘Stalking cases must be handled differently and I’d suggest that from day one suspected stalkers should be psychologically assessed because they are demonstrating obsessive fixated behaviour towards one person.
‘Prevention is better than cure. And it should be absolutely standard that they undergo treatment if found guilty of stalking.
‘The whole system needs an overhaul – from police training, to sentencing.
‘The new Stalking Protection Orders are being used against victims, as it was in my case. I was told we had to drop it because the defence were going to question me about the case in the SPO hearing so it would ‘scupper’ chances of a criminal trial.
‘Stalking is the crime most likely to result in rape, murder or serious harm according to experts and yet it seems it is one of the most overlooked crimes, with shockingly low conviction rates.
‘Moving forward, I don’t know what the future holds. I can’t live in my home. In fact I’m sure if I told the police I was moving back tomorrow they’d advise me against it.
‘The solution should not be for victims to run and hide and yet that is what we must do to be safe. And even then they can still interfere in your life online. There’s no escape.’