What’s causing YOUR nightmares? Psychologist reveals the hidden reasons
Nightmares are common and some of the most frequent are being chased, meeting monsters or demons, and seeing something tragic happen to a loved one.
But why do such terrifying scenarios sometimes play in our minds?
One psychologist has revealed the six hidden reasons behind them – including a dissatisfying relationship, sleeping on your back and feeling unfulfilled.
Speaking to FEMAIL, Dr Carmen Harra, American author of Committed: Finding Love and Loyalty Through the Seven Archetypes, explained: ‘Dreams are the fabrication of several portions of the brain that remain active during sleep, including the thalamus, medial prefrontal cortex, and posterior cingulate cortex.
‘Sometimes the signals exchanged between these areas are negative or disturbing in nature – due to trauma, substances, or other factors – resulting in nightmares, which occur during the REM (or ‘rapid eye movement’) stage, our deepest phase of sleep.’
No one wants nightmares to interrupt a good night’s sleep – yet often when we least expect it, we wake up terrified and sweating from a frighteningly vivid dream (stock photo)
‘Feeling unfulfilled often reflects in dreams,’ said the expert. ‘If you feel dissatisfied in your relationship, for example, your emotions may manifest in the form of dreams that involve cheating, abandonment, or fighting.
‘These frustrating dreams over unfulfillment and fears can become so intense for some people that they turn into nightmares.
‘It’s important to address issues that are bothering you in the waking world so that they don’t upset you while you rest.’
The psychologist said: ‘Irregular sleep patterns, especially for a prolonged period of time, adversely affect what we witness while we rest.
‘Changes in schedule or sleep cycles can alter the content of dreams as your mind is restless and insomnia especially is associated with nightmares.
‘Some studies have also determined that certain sleeping positions bring on bad dreams, namely sleeping on your back.
‘This is because breathing is more laboured when you lie on your back, which can provoke sleep apnoea, causing heavy snoring and, sometimes, interrupted breathing, and interrupted sleep.’
Dr Carmen suggested that eating before you sleep can make your mind overthink when you’re resting – causing nightmares to haunt your dreams.
She said: ‘What we consume has long been linked to what we dream.
‘Many people believe that if they eat before they go to bed, they’ll have bad dreams.
‘This is scientifically true: eating increases the body’s metabolism and also increases the brain’s activity during the night.’
‘Stress can easily trigger nightmares as it elevates levels of anxiety that cause hyperarousal (the feeling of being on edge),’ explained the expert.
Hyperarousal can lead to irritability, angry outbursts as well as difficulty concentrating.
Dr Carmen added: ‘This upsets our circadian rhythm, the body’s biological clock, and leads to poor sleep and distressful dreams.
‘Like all types of dreams, nightmares are common and serve a purpose.
‘When we understand the origins and mechanisms of bad dreams, we can take necessary steps to encourage peaceful and restorative sleep.’
‘Finally, some believe that nightmares are actually premonitory, meant to draw our attention to some aspect of life that requires extra care or to be changed,’ said Dr Carmen.
‘You may or may not believe this, but the theory is that the universe tries to communicate with us through dreams.
‘This doesn’t mean that if something bad happens in a dream, the same will follow suit in real life.
‘It most likely means that that person you dreamed about may be going through something difficult, should take better care of him or herself, or that you ought to check in on your loved one more often.’