
Who’ll find love on our blind date? This week it’s Samantha, 41 and Edward, 41

I had one serious long-term relationship when I was young that almost resulted in an engagement, but since then I’ve only done short-term dating

I had one serious long-term relationship when I was young that almost resulted in an engagement, but since then I’ve only done short-term dating

Samantha, 41 


 Single, no children.


I work in education recruitment.


A nice guy, for a change, who is looking for something serious. I like tall, dark men such as singer Adam Levine.



Dating Past?

I had one serious long-term relationship when I was young that almost resulted in an engagement, but since then I’ve only done short-term dating.

Pre-Date Nerves?

Yes, I was a little nervous. I’ve been on one blind date before as the dating apps simply don’t work for me. I don’t seem to match with anyone any more and men either don’t reply or ghost me. They seem more flaky since the pandemic and I’m not sure why.

First Impressions?

I spotted him as soon as he walked in. He was tall at 6ft 2in — I always like tall men — and had a very open, friendly face. We greeted each other with a kiss on each cheek.

Easy To Talk To?

Very. He was courteous, gentlemanly and polite, and had some interesting stories to tell about his career in acting and modelling.

 He talked about gas prices but I tried to keep things light

Samantha’s Verdict: 8/10 

LIKED? Being treated with respect by a man.





We covered serious issues, too, such as the lockdowns and rising energy prices. Sometimes I tried to steer the conversation to more light-hearted topics because it was getting a bit heavy.

We also talked about our star signs and food. We both have a sweet tooth so ordered several desserts. But I knew fairly quickly that I wasn’t going to have romantic feelings for him.

Embarrassing Moments?

We went on for a drink afterwards and the waiters couldn’t understand Edward’s lovely Irish accent, which was awkward. I understood him perfectly so I don’t know what the problem was.

Did sparks fly?

No. Although he was a nice guy, I didn’t feel a romantic connection. I got the feeling Edward didn’t either — I think he’s the sort of man who needs to know a woman before he develops romantic feelings.

See him again?

He took my number and texted me to make sure I got home OK, so I’m sure we’ll message each other. As he only lives a short distance away, we might meet up for a coffee or a walk — but only as friends.

What do you think he thought of you?

I think he enjoyed my company and he treated me respectfully. There was a tiny bit of flirting, but I think we both left feeling this was nothing more than friendship.

Would your family like him?

They’d see him as intelligent and polite, but I also think they’d struggle to find common ground with him.


When I arrived at the restaurant, Samantha was waiting for me at the bar and I thought she looked lovely in her off-the-shoulder dress

When I arrived at the restaurant, Samantha was waiting for me at the bar and I thought she looked lovely in her off-the-shoulder dress

Edward, 41


Single, no children.


I’m an actor.


I’m a fan of classic films and exercise, so it would be nice if we had those sorts of things in common.



Dating Past?

Nothing long term. My work has made stability an issue at times.

Pre-Date Nerves?

None, I was actually looking forward to it as I’ve never been on a blind date before.

First Impressions?

When I arrived at the restaurant, Samantha was waiting for me at the bar and I thought she looked lovely in her off-the-shoulder dress. I don’t have a physical ‘type’ but she is pretty and seemed friendly and warm. I greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

Easy To Talk To?

Very easy. I thought we both did well in that respect, asking the right amount of questions and never dominating the conversation. We talked about everything from the economy to our travels. We are both foodies so chatted quite a bit about the food, too.

Our date lasted well over four hours – that tells you something 

But quite early on, I think we both realised there was no romantic chemistry. I didn’t mind being in friendship territory — she was lovely and I was enjoying myself.

Embarrassing Moments?

We went for a drink afterwards — at her suggestion — and as we were sitting on the bar stools, my hamstring suddenly cramped and I had to jump up and straighten my leg. I think she wondered what on earth I was doing.

Did sparks fly?

Edward’s Verdict: 9/10 

LIKED? The easy flow of conversation.

REGRETS? None at all.




No, not in a romantic sense. But I liked her a lot and we didn’t leave the bar until 11.30pm — the fact that our date lasted four-and-a-half hours tells you something.

See her again?

We swapped numbers but I think there was an understanding that it wasn’t going any further. We live near each other though, so we might meet up, just as friends.

What do you think she thought of you?

I think she liked me, but I never got the feeling there was any flirting. I was impressed that she had applied for other blind dates — I thought that was incredibly proactive of her.

Having met her, I may take her lead and be more assertive when it comes to my own love life. I’d definitely go on another blind date now.

Would your family like her?

Yes, she’s warm and pleasant with a great sense of humour.