
Only Boris Johnson can stop the Tories turning into a Blairite blancmange, writes MICK HUME 

Only Boris Johnson can stop the Tories turning into a Blairite blancmange, writes MICK HUME

What a mess! After ousting Boris Johnson just three months ago in an act of tragic self-harm, the Conservative Party is now in an even worse state than before.

Amid economic chaos and polling that indicates near-total wipeout at the next election, the Tories seem unable to present a successor to Liz Truss to unite their warring factions.

But there is, of course, one obvious candidate – the only politician in Britain who can claim any sort of mandate to govern the country and calm this turmoil.

I am talking about Johnson himself. The Tory Prime Minister who, let me remind you, won a staggering 14million votes less than three years ago. It is time to say what many of those voters will surely be thinking – bring back Boris! I am no Tory loyalist. I have no vested interest in saving the Conservative Party from ruin. But I do want what’s best for Britain and British democracy.

MICK HUME: Boris is, quite clearly, the only MP with a track record of strong leadership when it comes to big policy issues and the ability to unite his party with an 80-seat majority

Boris is, quite clearly, the only MP with a track record of strong leadership when it comes to big policy issues and the ability to unite his party with an 80-seat majority.

He may currently be persona non grata in Westminster salons, but many polls now show Boris to be the overwhelming choice among Conservative members – and many Brits outside the party.

That’s because Boris is the only Tory leader with any hope of getting the Government through the terrible mess which lies ahead. And it really would be terrible.

In an act of revenge for the EU referendum result, the same Establishment Blob that forced Johnson from office has effectively now staged a Whitehall coup – chasing out Brexiteer ministers such as Suella Braverman, installing arch-Remainer Jeremy Hunt as Chancellor and ousting the hapless Miss Truss, who had, for all her vices, tried to implement what she believed to be a truly Right-wing set of policies.

They have jettisoned much of the programme on which Boris won the election in December 2019 and, in the process, sucked the Tory Party back into a shapeless Blairite blancmange.

That is not the vision of Conservatism that people voted for in 2019 – and they wouldn’t vote for it next time round. Indeed, we would undoubtedly see a landslide for Starmer and his Lefty cabal of chaos, from the illiberal Lib Dems to Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish nationalists. And, piece by piece, everything this country voted for – from getting Brexit properly done, to doing away with identity politics, lowering immigration and driving down taxes – would be dismantled or overturned.

We would witness Keir ‘I don’t know what a woman is’ Starmer going back, cap-in-hand, to Brussels; untrammelled wokery on the march; the break-up of the Union; and our public finances shot in a way that would make the current situation look relatively stable. We would be left living in an Athens-on-Thames economy without the sunshine.

The only person who has any chance of stopping all this is Boris. He would, no doubt, face a tough fight – but who else is there? The horrified Establishment will protest. The return of a leader so soon would be unprecedented. But unprecedented times call for extraordinary measures. So, for the sake of Britain – for the sake of democracy itself – we must bring back Boris!

Mick Hume is author of Revolting! How The Establishment Are Undermining Democracy And What They’re Afraid Of (Collins)