
Jailed Baby P stepdad denied parole yet again as ‘protecting public is priority’

The stepdad of Baby P – who died after suffering horrific child abused aged just 17 months – has been denied parole for a fourth time.

Steven Barker, who also raped a two-year-old girl, is 13-years into his life sentence for the two horrific crimes.

But having applied for parole again, he has been turned down after being deemed to still be a danger to the public.

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It is believed that he had not made “sufficient progress” to be considered for release.

A Parole Board spokesman said that “protecting the public is our number one priority”, but confirmed that another parole review will take place in “due course”.

Baby P suffered horrific abuse at the hands of Steven Parker has his partner

Peter’s mum Tracey Connelly, 40, was released in 2013 before being locked up again in 2015 for breaching her licence conditions.

She is alleged to have been selling naked photos of herself and “developing intimate personal relationships” online.

In March this year, the Parole Board announced she had been cleared for release due to a low risk of reoffending.

She was freed on July 7, despite the government’s attempts to keep her inside.

A judge blocked Dominic Raab ’s attempt to stop her release – describing her crimes as “harrowing”.

Connelly was pictured walking the streets for the first time in seven years over the summer.

Tracey Connelly took part in the abuse

Barker’s brother Jason Owen, 48, was given a six-year custodial sentence for allowing the tot to die, but has also been released.

Little Peter had suffered over 50 injuries despite being on the at-risk register.

Social workers, police and health professionals made a total of 60 visits to his home over an eight month period before he died.

His horrific injuries included a broken back, fractured shinbone, damage to the head, and blackened fingers and toes from cigarette burns.

A series of reviews identified missed opportunities for officials to save the toddler’s life had they reacted properly to warning signs.

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