
Caroline Crouch’s killer husband ‘poked himself in the eyes to shed crocodile tears’, TV show claim

Caroline Crouch’s killer husband ‘poked himself in the eyes to shed crocodile tears’ in failed bid to trick Greek authorities he was grieving her death – before he was jailed for murdering his wife in front of their baby at home, TV show claim

  • Babis Anagnostopoulos was jailed for life for killing Caroline Crouch last May
  • In a Discovery+ show, a body language expert claims the killer exposed his lies 
  • Dr Cliff Lansley claims Anagnostopoulos faked sadness by poking at his eyes
  • He said he was trying to ‘stimulate tears in his eyes’ in order to ‘portray sadness’ 
  • He also claims a single-side shoulder shrug was a micro-indication of deception

Caroline Crouch’s killer husband ‘exposed his guilt’ in interviews ‘by poking himself in the eyes to stimulate tears’ in a failed bid to trick Greek authorities into believing he was grieving her death, a TV show has claimed.

Babis Anagnostopoulos, 34, was jailed for life for suffocating 20-year-old Caroline to death at their home in a suburb of the Greek capital Athens on May 11 2021 in front of their then 11-month-old daughter Lydia.

The Greek pilot then strangled the family’s pet dog to make the murder look like a break-in and shed crocodile tears to cops and Caroline’s devastated family before being nailed after investigators saw through his concocted story.

On TV at the time, he broke down to reporters, visited Caroline’s grave and comforted her distraught parents but in a new show on Discovery+, a body language expert claims he gave away his guilt by poking at his eyes. 

Caroline Crouch’s killer husband ‘exposed his guilt’ in interviews ‘by poking himself in the eyes to shed crocodile tears’ in a failed bid to trick Greek authorities into believing he was grieving her death, a TV show has claimed

Babis Anagnostopoulos, 34, was jailed for life for suffocating 20-year-old Caroline to death at their home in a suburb of the Greek capital Athens on May 11 2021

On TV at the time, he broke down to reporters, visited Caroline’s grave and comforted her distraught parents but in a new show on Discovery+, a body language expert claims he gave away his guilt by poking at his eyes

In The Murder of Caroline Crouch: A Faking It Special on Discovery+, Dr Cliff Lansley suggests Anagnostopoulos tried to ‘create the impression of sadness’ by ‘poking his fingers into the corner of his eyeballs,’ according to The Sun.

He says: ‘And the last one pulls down the eyelid so much that it turns the eyelid inside out. It flicks back here.

‘So he’s really trying to stimulate tears in his eyes because he wants to portray sadness. But when we look back at his full face, there’s no evidence of sadness on his face.’ 

Anagnostopoulos claimed he had received love from ‘all over the world’ as he cried during TV interviews last year, but Dr Lansley says there were ‘no tears’ and ‘no expressions of sadness’.

Dr Lansley also claims a micro-indication that Anagnostopoulos was lying was that he shrugged a single shoulder.

The expert says he has never seen a ‘micro, single-sided shoulder shrug when people are telling the truth’ in his 30-year career.

In The Murder of Caroline Crouch: A Faking It Special on Discovery+, Dr Cliff Langsley suggests Anagnostopoulos tried to ‘create the impression of sadness’ by ‘poking his fingers into the corner of his eyeballs’

Anagnostopoulos suffocated Caroline on May 11 last year in front of their then 11-month-old daughter Lydia

He adds that when you see ‘clusters’ of those shrugs when someone is making a claim, it ‘gives us a huge degree of confidence that he’s faking it.’ 

Anagnostopoulos initially told police a gang of ‘Georgian or Albanian’ men had broken into the couple’s home and escaped with cash and jewellery and they had tied him up and attacked his wife and their pet dog Roxy. 

But he was eventually snared after investigators discovered that timings on Caroline’s fitness tracker didn’t tally with what Babis had told them and they arrested him six weeks later as he attended her funeral service.

During his trial Babis was repeatedly described as narcissistic and controlling and the court heard extracts from Caroline’s diary in which she described him as a control freak who flipped after she told him she wanted to end their relationship.