
Brave sex assault survivor, 58, who waited 50 YEARS for justice waives her anonymity

Brave sex assault survivor, 58, who waited 50 YEARS for justice waives her anonymity to urge other victims to come forward after her abuser is sentenced

  • Liz Roberts, from West Somerset, was abused as a young girl by Andrew Herbert
  • Heinous offences took place in the early 1970s when she was an eight-year-old 
  • But she contacted police in 2020 because she ‘didn’t think anyone would care’
  • Herbert today given two-year community order and indefinite restraining order
  • Ms Roberts has waived right to anonymity to ‘give confidence to other survivors’

The survivor of a sexual assault, who waited 50 years for her abuser to be sentenced, has waived her anonymity to encourage other victims to come forward and report offences.

Liz Roberts, a 58-year-old from West Somerset, was abused as an eight-year-old girl by Andrew Herbert in the early 1970s.

She confided in a few friends during the past 50 years, but only reported the offences to police in 2020 because she ‘didn’t think anyone would care about what happened’.

Her case was subsequently investigated by a specialist officer who later charged Herbert with two counts of rape and four counts of indecent assault.

Herbert, 67, was also charged with six counts of indecent assault against a second woman who was of a similar age to Liz at the time.

He pleaded guilty to all 10 counts of indecent assault and stood trial for the two counts of rape. Last month, a jury at Bristol Crown Court acquitted him of one count and failed to reach a verdict on the other.

Herbert, of Goodrich, Herefordshire, was today sentenced at the same court, where he was made subject of a two-year community order and given indefinite restraining orders preventing contact with either woman. 

He also received an 18-month curfew, must carry out 225 hours’ community service and was ordered to pay compensation to both victims. He must also report as a sex offender for five years. 

All victims of a sexual offence are granted a legal right to lifetime anonymity. 

But following the trial, Liz decided to waive her anonymity to give confidence to other victims to report heinous crimes.

Liz Roberts, a 58-year-old from West Somerset, was abused as an eight-year-old girl by Andrew Herbert in the early 1970s

She said: ‘I’ve chosen to identify myself as someone who has survived being sexually assaulted in the hope it gives confidence to other survivors, that if they tell the police their story, they will investigate and justice can be achieved.

‘From the moment I reported Andrew, I have been fully supported through the investigation and right through to the court process. 

‘This support hasn’t just been from the police but also from Safe Link, who allocated an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor to me and charities such as Somerset and Avon Rape and Sexual Assault Support which provided free essential counselling support. 

‘They have held my hand every step of the way both physically and metaphorically and have done everything they can to ease the process for me.

‘I waited 50 years to tell my story as I didn’t think anyone would care about what happened. That clearly isn’t true and I only wish I’d reported it sooner. 

‘There have of course been times when it has brought the trauma of what he did back, and I still have a long way to go in my recovery journey, but I have no regrets.

Liz added: ‘I’d urge anyone who has been abused to talk to someone. There is support out there and people will help whether you want offences investigated or not.

‘Justice comes in many forms. Feeling the care and support of everyone around me means that I can now hold my head high – that is the best kind of justice.’

Following Herbert’s trial, Liz decided to waive her anonymity to give confidence to other victims to report heinous crimes

Investigating officer PC Becky Norton also said today: ‘Andrew Herbert’s actions have had a lifelong impact on both his victims.

‘He claimed to have experienced a tsunami of shame but that is absolutely nothing compared to what they have gone through, for they have spent the past five decades living with the trauma he inflicted on them.

‘They both deserve immense credit for standing up to him in court and telling the judge exactly how deeply his abuse has affected them.’

And Detective Superintendent Lisa Simpson, lead for Rape and Serious Sexual Assault, added: ‘What Liz Roberts is doing now, in waiving her anonymity, is nothing short of remarkable.

‘Whatever the context of the crime, we are absolutely committed to working with the victim to achieve the outcome that’s best for them. 

‘This might mean investigating but it also might just mean safeguarding them and providing them with access to support.

‘Together, with our partners in the Crown Prosecution Service, we’re working hard to hold offenders to account for the vile offences they have committed and, with the help of third sector partners such as SafeLink, The Bridge and SARSAS to making sure they are ok and helping them recover from the trauma they’ve endured.’