
‘The Tories broke the pension triple lock once – don’t let them do so again!’

Enjoying fame and fortune from a hugely successful TV and film career, Ricky Tomlinson’s moral authority is rooted in never forgetting the people he started his life alongside.

The onetime building worker remembering the days when he had no money is a powerful moral voice for our poor and elderly.

And his voice is one of the most convincing yet for increasing the measly state pension and benefits by inflation so that the living standards of millions of Brits aren’t squeezed tighter.

Tories who last year broke the pension triple lock promised in their election manifesto – a commitment to raise rates by the highest out of inflation and wages, with a 2.5% floor – are having a laugh by expecting applause if they stick to the pledge in Thursday’s Budget.

Break it again and they will deserve the wrath not only of Ricky but every pensioner and family they betray. We must keep up the pressure to force the Conservatives to pay fair.

Building worker turned actor Ricky Tomlinson
Andrew Teebay/Liverpool Echo)

Drop in ocean

Serious doubts exist over whether small boat crossings will be stemmed by the Government paying an extra £8million a year for France to increase patrols.

But the £63m deal is an acknowledgement that this issue will only be resolved by international co-operation, agreement and action.

Labour leader Keir Starmer’s description of the pact as “a small step in the right direction” accurately expresses its value and the truth is that desperate people aren’t going to suddenly stop risking their lives to reach Britain.

Until legal routes are opened for those found to have legitimate claims once they’ve landed, unscrupulous traffickers will operate. We need an answer the flailing Tories fail to find.

The Labour leader Keir Starmer branded the expensive new deal a “a small step in the right direction”
BBC Parliament)

World chomp

With his knockout wealth, it’s easy to scoff when Tyson Fury says his favourite meal is fish fingers, chips and beans.

But the fighting-fit world heavyweight boxing champ’s simple tastes should give gastro-snobs some food for thought.

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