
Military policeman guilty of sexually assaulting teenaged female colleague on nightclub dancefloor

Military policeman is guilty of sexually assaulting teenaged female colleague after groping her breast and putting his hand up her skirt on nightclub dancefloor

  • Lance Corporal Storm Elliott, 22, sexually assaulted a teenager on a night out
  • The victim, a female soldier, met Elliott at the Popworld nightclub in Portsmouth
  • Elliott was found guilty of touching the victim twice inappropriately
  • He was training to become a Royal Military Police officer at the time

Lance Corporal Storm Elliott, 22, has been convicted of sexual assaulting a teenage girl

A British Army soldier has been convicted of sexually assaulting a teenage colleague after he groped her breast and slid his hand up her skirt while shouting ‘I’m so hard’ in her ear.

Lance Corporal Storm Elliott, who was in training to be a Royal Military Police officer, was found guilty of twice touching the female soldier inappropriately during a night out clubbing.

Witnesses told the court the 22-year-old pestered the young woman on the dancefloor and continued to grope her even after she rejected his advances.

He was described as a ‘lovesick puppy’, persisting even after she told him not to kiss her and pushed his hand away when he touched her breast.

Lance Corporal Elliott claimed the touching was consensual but the board at Bulford Military Court, Wiltshire, decided the attention was unwanted and that he had grabbed the young woman’s crotch while the two were on the dancefloor.

The teenage victim had told the trial she had been worried about reporting the incidents because ‘he was an RMP [Royal Military Police officer] and no one was going to believe it’.

Giving evidence she told the court: ‘He put his arm around my shoulder, onto my left shoulder.

‘From there I could feel him touching my breast in a way I didn’t want him to.

‘It wasn’t very long because I stopped him from doing it. I was confused as to why he’d done it.

‘We carried on dancing on the dance floor.

‘I felt something under my dress on my underwear.

‘It was as if someone was trying to move my underwear out of the way.

‘I turned and saw his hand up my skirt. I felt a pressure on my underwear.

‘I pushed his hand away. I walked straight to [my friend] and said I needed to leave.’

Lance Corporal Elliott had become enamoured with the female soldier after the two met at the Popworld nightclub in Portsmouth where he was on a night out from his base at the nearby Defence School of Policing and Guarding.

Elliott was training to become a Royal Military Police officer when the incident took place in the Popworld nightclub in Portsmouth

She told the court: ‘He came up to me and said I looked gorgeous. He shouted in my ear because the music was loud.

‘He seemed drunk but he wasn’t slurring. He stumbled towards me.’

Lance Corporal Elliott shouted comments in her ear, such as ‘I’m so hard’ and ‘Do you want to shag?’ – and kept trying to kiss the young woman despite being told ‘no’.

She said: ‘He was pushing his top half of his body towards me to kiss me.

‘I couldn’t get back any further.

‘I had my hand on his chest to try to push him off.

‘He asked for a kiss and I said no. He just kept on trying.’

One of the woman’s friends, who accompanied her to the nightclub, told the court she had thought the defendant was ‘a little strange’ because he introduced himself as ‘Lance Corporal Elliott’.

Audrey Archer, defending, said to her: ‘You’ve referred to him as a “lovesick puppy” in your statement, is that right?’

The witness agreed and said: ‘He was her shadow, following her around all night.’

The victim told the trial she had been scared to tell officers about the incident due to Lance Corporal Elliott’s more senior position in the Army.

She said: ‘The way I saw it was that he was an RMP [Royal Military Police officer] and no one was going to believe it.’

Lance Corporal Elliott will be sentenced next month.