
Babestation model bedbound by brutal life-long condition that leaves her in agony

A gorgeous model who flaunts her enviable figure on live TV bravely opened up about an incurable condition that leaves her bedbound.

Luna King is famed for teasing callers on Babestation but behind her smile she has been suffering in silence since she was a teenager.

She can struggle to leave bed for weeks at a time and the Londoner, who sometimes needs morphine to get through the day, has been fired multiple times for having to call in sick.

READ MORE: ‘I went behind the scenes at Babestation and it’s nothing like what you see on TV’

And growing up, doctors repeatedly told her the pain she experienced was either normal or that it was linked to anxiety.

The brunette beauty gave a raw insight into what it is like living with endometriosis

But two years ago, over a decade after first desperately seeking help, she was finally diagnosed with endometriosis.

The condition means tissues typically located on the womb are found outside the uterus, like on ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Now, in a candid interview with Daily Star, Luna, 25, gave a devastating insight into how it’s impacted her life.

She said: “We are talking about extreme pain, vomiting and extreme fatigue… It’s debilitating.

“I’m literally bedbound half my time now, it lasts two to three weeks and it happens every month. I get agonising pain in my abdomen and my back and it travels down my legs. I can’t do any task and I have to go into hospital. I am on strong meds and I even have to take morphine sometimes.

“I’m not able to eat properly when it flares. I have to completely cut out a lot of foods, anything acidic and stuff because the nausea is so bad.

The racy model works eight shifts a month

“I lose loads and loads of weight because I have to take nutrition drinks because nothing will stay down. I get anaemic after flare ups as well. It is now worse than ever for me.”

Luna now works just eight days a month at Babestation to support herself financially.

But she started getting symptoms in school after first having her period – but was continuously dismissed by doctors.

The former carer remembered: “It is so frustrating and because of the lack of education in the system you are almost seen as a liar.

“I would be sitting there unable to move and they are telling me it is in my head. That made my mental health so bad.”

One in 10 women are believed to have endometriosis and symptoms can include pain during sex, heavy bleeding, fatigue and discomfort in various places on the body. It can also cause fertility problems.

Luna has been suffering from symptoms since she was a young girl

Luna meanwhile has had many jobs over the years but struggled to stay anywhere long term.

She has been employed as a shopkeeper and care assistant but the brunette frequently endured the shame of being told she was no longer wanted.

“I just couldn’t hold down a job,” she said. “I was going from job to job and I would keep getting fired because I had so much sick time.”

Eventually her luck changed when she was doing freelance commercial modelling.

Babestation sent her an Instagram DM and she has now worked there for almost two years.

The adult entertainment company is aware about her condition as she said: “They are so good and supportive about it.

“I work eight days a month and that’s all I can handle right now because it’s gotten so bad.

“That’s why I’ve kept this job and I am so grateful because I can go in when I want and I can text my managers saying if I don’t feel great and they are really good and flexible with me.

She is loving her job as a Babestation Babe

“It’s perfect because I can still have a good life. It gives me enough time to recover and treat myself on the days I feel well enough.”

She added: “What other job could I do where I work eight days a month and am able to survive? People judge what I do but at the end of the day what would you do in my position?

“I am so happy I moved to Babestation and it’s given me a quality of life I never would have had before.”

Luna had surgery to remove tissue earlier this year but it has since “returned with a vengeance”.

And now she wants to share her story to encourage other employers to be more accommodating to staff members with endometriosis.

She said: “It’s a life-long condition and there is no cure for it. It should be seen as a proper disability and we need to have the proper adjustments for that.

“It can be really hard to work during it. My message to employers is to be more flexible because it is a debilitating illness and it is awful.”