
Nearly 60 flood alerts issued in England along with yellow weather heavy rain warning for southeast

More baa-d weather! Nearly 60 flood alerts are issued in England along with yellow weather heavy rain warning for the southeast – as sheep are seen stranded on raised ground after river burst its banks

  • Astonishing photos showed around 30 sheep deserted after River Frome burst banks near Dorchester, Dorset 
  • Motorists on the M25 were also seen having to contest with torrential rain spraying across the motorway
  • The Met Office has issued 56 flood alerts as well as four flood warning where flooding is expected on Sunday
  • Some parts of the southeast may face up to 30mm of rain as Britons face more bad weather this weekend


Britons must brace themselves for more bad weather as nearly 60 flood alerts have been issued in England along with a yellow weather warning for the southeast – as sheep were seen stranded on raised ground after a river dramatically burst its banks.

Astonishing photos showed around 30 sheep completely deserted on one of the only parts of raised ground that appeared to survive brutal flooding.

The images were taken at Stratton near Dorchester in Dorset after the River Frome burst its banks following an onslaught of torrential rain yesterday.

Astonishing photos showed around 30 sheep completely deserted on the only bit of ground that appeared to survive brutal flooding after the River Frome burst its banks at Stratton near Dorchester, Dorset

The River Frome burst its banks yesterday after an onslaught of torrential rain. Pictured: Flooded fields at Stratton near Dorchester, Dorset

Motorists were also pictured having to navigate through torrential rain spraying across the M25 near Swanley in Kent. 

And the bad weather shows no sign of stopping. The Met Office has issued 56 flood alerts along with four flood warnings – where flooding is expected.

The Met Office has issued the warnings in Climping, West Sussex, Upper Frome at Maiden Newton in Dorset which could also spread to Dorchester.

The final warning from the Met Office on North Bank Road which sits alongside the River Nene to the east of Peterborough.

Motorists were also pictured having to navigate through torrential rain spraying across the M25 near Swanley in Kent this morning

Britons are in for more bad weather as the Met Office has issued 56 flood alerts today along with four flood warnings – where flooding is expected

The southeast will have to brace itself for a deluge of rain and contest with a serious risk of flooding with 30mm of rain set to fall in some areas

The Met Office has put out a yellow weather warning across southeast England for the rest of today with Brighton and Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex likely to be hit by a washout 

The Met Office has put out a yellow weather warning across southeast England with Brighton and Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex likely to be hit by a washout.

Warnings for the brutal weather will came into force at 12pm today and will remain in place until the end of the day, hampering Britons looking to enjoy a Sunday afternoon.

They expect 10 to 20mm of rain to fall with some places even reaching 30mm later on in the evening. There is a high risk of flooding in these areas as a result of the ground being saturated from the recent downpours.

A three-day forecast shows that although there may be some sunny spells, overcast conditions, rain and fog is expected to carry on past today

Forecasters are warning that buses and trains will probably be affected, with journey times taking longer, while flooding of homes and businesses is possible.

Britons have already had to navigate around limited public transport due to rail strikes yesterday. Train drivers at 11 companies walked out in a long-running pay row, causing more chaos to the public trying to get around the country.

As the southeast battles with torrential rain today, blustery showers are expected across Northern Ireland and much of Scotland, spreading to some parts in the west later.

Fierce winds are also set to hit some areas of the UK over what has become a miserable last Sunday of November.

Tomorrow, Britons will once again have to contest with rain, especially across the west and the south of the UK. Meanwhile it is looking slightly more positive from Tuesday with drier conditions and less brutal winds expected but there will be fog and mist causing problems.