
Josh Hawley Says You Can Own The Libs By Quitting Porn And Starting A Family

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) said Tuesday that conservatives can rebel against liberal culture by swearing off porn and starting a family. (Watch the video below.)

After Fox News host Tucker Carlson played a recording of Hawley’s recent speech at a Turning Point USA conference, the far-right lawmaker doubled down on his wacky assertions.

He told Carlson that the liberal message is that the most one can aspire to is to be a consumer and sit in front of a computer all day. He urged men to aim to be “something more than a consumer of pornography” and create a family.

“That is the single greatest act of rebellion, if you like, against the liberal culture that is suppressing peoples’ desires and that is suppressing their potential,” he said.

Hawley later reinforced his message by sharing the interview on Twitter with the caption: “Rebel against liberal culture: Quit porn. Start a real relationship. Start a family. Have your own ideas — and stand up for them.”

Twitter users, of course, had their own ideas ― and many were to mock Hawley.

“Tad early for your New Year resolutions, Running Man,” one respondent snarked, referring to video of the senator running from rioters during the Capitol siege. Hawley famously gave a raised-fist salute to the pro-Trump mob earlier.

“He doth protest too much,” another wrote.