
Prince Harry refuses to say if he will go to his father’s coronation in new ITV trailer

‘The ball is in their court’: Emotional Prince Harry refuses to say if he will go to his father’s coronation in new ITV trailer as he denies invading William and Charles’ privacy by revealing intimate details with his book ‘Spare’

  • Harry has not said if he will be at Westminster Abbey to see his father crowned 
  • Duke of Sussex told Tom Bradby that ‘a lot can happen between now and then’ 
  • He also denied he has invaded his own privacy, saying critics ‘don’t understand’ 

Prince Harry has dodged whether he will attend the Coronation of his father and attacked Prince William again in an explosive second trailer for his interview with ITV.

In a publicity blitz for his upcoming memoir, the Duke of Sussex told Tom Bradby that ‘a lot can happen between now and then’ when asked if he will go to see his father crowned in June. 

The new clip, released this morning, shows Mr Bradby asking Harry about why he has chosen to discuss his relationships with family members in his memoir Spare. 

In extraordinary excerpts leaked to the Guardian, Harry has claimed he was attacked by his brother in his London home in a row over Meghan, who William said was difficult and rude.  

Pressed on speaking publicly about family matters, Prince Harry says: ‘I don’t know how staying silent is ever going to make things better.’ And, in a barbed comment about William, he declares: ‘He would probably say all sorts of different things.’

He also denied invading the privacy of his brother and father by sharing private conversations and rows in his new book, insisting critics ‘don’t understand’.

Harry has renewed his attacks against his family in the latest trailer for his ITV interview, to be broadcast on Sunday night

Harry dodged whether he would attend his father’s Coronation, telling Tom Bradby that ‘there’s a lot that can happen between now and then’

Mr Bradby replied: ‘Wouldn’t your brother say to you, “Harry, how could you do this to me after everything? After everything we went through?” Wouldn’t that be what he would say?’

Harry responds: ‘He would probably say all sorts of different things.’ 

Former royal correspondent Mr Bradby also asks Harry about plans for his father’s Coronation as well as his view of the monarchy and his role in it.

Mr Bradby asks: ‘If you are invited to the Coronation will you come?’

Refusing to say yes, Harry answers: ‘There’s a lot that can happen between now and then. But, the door is always open. The ball is in their court.

‘There’s a lot to be discussed and I really hope that they’re willing to sit down and talk about it.’

Although Harry says he still believes in the Royal Family, when asked if he will ‘play a part in its future’, he replies: ‘I don’t know.’ 

The duke also repeats his claims that the Palace planted negative stories about him and Meghan in the Press, as he alleged in their Netflix series last month. 

Former royal correspondent Mr Bradby, pictured, asks Harry if he’s invading the privacy of his ‘nearest and dearest’ without permission

Harry looked emotional throughout the clip – part of a 90-minute show at 9pm on Sunday night on ITV1 to promote his book

Mr Bradby says: ‘Some people will say you’ve railed against invasions of your privacy all your life. The accusation here will be, are you invading the privacy of your nearest and dearest without permission?’

The duke replies: ‘That would be the accusation from people that don’t understand or don’t want to believe that my family have been briefing the Press.’

The interview is set to air on Sunday night – two days before the release of his book on January 10.