
Ally McCoist’s brilliant Roy Keane story leaves Laura Woods in stitches

Ally McCoist’s brilliant Roy Keane story about their hilarious exchange at the World Cup left fellow presenter Laura Woods in stitches.

McCoist and Keane were two of the pundits covering the Qatar spectacle, along with Woods. But during a rare afternoon off for the male presenters, they bumped into each other on the beach, leading to an awkward encounter between the pair.

McCoist detailed how he and Keane were the only two people on the beach when he decided to go for a swim. As the Rangers legend edged closer to Keane, he saw that the fiery Irishman was enjoying his peace while laying down on a sunbed with headphones in.

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McCoist said, against the backdrop of Woods’ giggles on talkSPORT: “I had a belter with him, at the World Cup, when I had an afternoon off, and I thought I’m going to go down to the beach for an hour, cause I like a wee swim.

“So I walked down the beach, which is next to the hotel, and the beach, I’m telling you, NOBODY on the beach. Nobody. It wasn’t a massive beach, about 80-something beds.

“One sunbed way up on the left hand side, Roy’s sitting on it and he’s got his headphones on – only person on the beach. I’m thinking to myself there’s no danger, absolutely no danger that he wants to see me.”

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McCoist revealed that he and Keane had an impromptu meet on the beach in Qatar while they were covering the World Cup

And as they were the only two on the beach, McCoist felt the urge to play loud rock music next to Keane who was relaxing in solitude

And McCoist, feeling troublesome, revealed that he had the urge to sit next to Keane, and blast some rock music from Gothic heavy metal band Rammstein.

The Scottish icon went on to explain that he resisted the urge to ruin Keane’s peace with loud rock music because the ex-Man United star would’ve “killed him.” And when he did interact with Keane, he told him that he had no plans to sit next to him, but just wanted to say hello.

Keane said nothing back in return and simply gave McCoist a thumbs up while closing his left eye and plugging back in his headphones.

McCoist continued: “Initially I thought I’ll pull up a sunbed right next to him, turn on my Rammstein (Gothic metal rock band) and see where it takes us.

However, McCoist resisted the urge and simply said hello to Keane when they briefly spoke

But Keane was in no mood to talk and offered a thumbs up to McCoist before plugging in his headphones – bringing their rendevous to a swift end

“I nearly did, I thought he’d kill me. I thought I’ll pull up right next to him, I’ll stick on Rammstein and have a chat with him – but I didn’t.

“I walked up to him, walked all the way along the beach, he’s sitting there, he’s got his headphones on, he opens one eye, looks at me and removes the left ear. I said ‘you’ll be delighted to hear, I’m not going to sit next to you, I’m going to leave you alone, I just wanted to say hello.’

And Keane’s cold response sent McCoist and Woods into raptures of laughter as he relayed the story

“And he looked at me, closed his left eye, put his left ear plug back in, and stuck a thumb up.” By this point of the story, Woods was consumed by laughter as she and the red-faced McCoist reflected on the priceless moment.

It was a contentious World Cup for Keane who found fault with everything from Brazil’s dancing stars to Senegal’s drumming fans. Woods’ time at the tournament didn’t pass without controversy either after Des Lynam criticised her presenting skills to the fury of fans who labelled the veteran host a ‘dinosaur.’