
‘Foolish’ prison nurse who sent 7,000 texts to sex attacker inmate jets off to Australia

A mental health nurse who exchanged thousands of texts with a banged up sex offender has avoided being struck off.

Rachael Donegan, a former HMP Liverpool nurse now working in a care home in Australia, has been suspended from the nursing register for 12 months after a disciplinary case in relation to her actions with inmate Lloyd Senior back in 2016.

Senior’s horrific cocaine, ketamine and alcohol-fuelled sex attack on a teacher saw the man jailed for 30 months after chasing his victim and yelling: “I’m going to shag you.”

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But Donegan, 26, had communicated with the bloke via texts and calls behind bars after being responsible for his medication in prison, pleading guilty in 2018.

A judge branded Donegan ‘foolish’ for her actions

A panel recently confirmed that Donegan would be suspended for a year, and that following her job loss at HMP Liverpool, the mental health nurse had took up positions in a nursing home and Covid care unit.

At the time of her appearance at Liverpool Crown Court in relation to the texts with Lloyd Senior, nurse Donegan had pleaded guilty and was instructed to carry out 40 hours of unpaid community work, which she did at a charity shop.

Judge Anil Murray told Donegan at the time of her court appearance said: “You’ve been very foolish. You were a nurse in a position of responsibility at HMP Liverpool.

“Examination showed lots of contact between him and you. The prosecution case is you assisted him using his mobile phone by communicating with him.

Donegan had sent thousands of texts and calls to the convicted sex attacker

Now, an NMC panel has shown that Donegan had moved to Australia to continue her nursing work, with panel members taking into account her “genuine remorse” over the links with Senior.

Her suspension order will be reviewed in 12 months, at which time the panel can lift it, extend it or replace it with a new order.

Members of the panel wrote: “The panel determined that your behaviour arose in an unusual set of circumstances and noted that your conduct did not attract a custodial sentence.

“The panel considered that your personal circumstances in 2016 constituted one episode in your life, where you made poor decisions at work. However, since this time you have received counselling and practiced without incident.”

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