
Britain’s ‘ugliest sheep’ stolen as owners beg thieves to return one-eyed Scuzzy

Owners of “Britain’s ugliest sheep” are begging for the safe return of their twisted, one-eyed oddity after thieves carried off the farm animal.

Scuzzy the sheep, lovingly referred to by people on social media as “Britain’s ugliest sheep” has been stolen, and owner Michelle Pouton believes the theft is due to the sheep’s unique features.

Last seen on January 6, the nine-month-old Scuzzy has still not shown up, with police searches and public pleas turning up no signs of the one-eyed oddity.

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Born with deformed features that left her mouth fixed into a moody grimace, Scuzzy was lovingly named and cared for by Michelle, 60, until the sheep was stolen.

Michelle said that ‘Britain’s ugliest sheep’ has since gone missing from her farm

She aired her fears for the lamb, saying: “She was one of four lambs who was born but was the only one with a disfigured face. I instantly grew to love her and took her in as a pet.

“She’s never wanted to be with the other sheep and she just follows me around the farm. She’s very small because she can’t eat lots of pellets because her mouth is twisted but she’s such a happy little thing.

“I’m devastated she’s gone. I can only think that perhaps someone saw her and felt sorry for her so took her in not knowing she was a loved pet.

“It’s either that or someone has stolen her because of the way she looks and thought she’d make a funny looking pet. She might be known as Britain’s ugliest sheep but we really want her back.”

Police are investigating the disappearance and a charity is offering up a reward for information

Michelle has since launched a major appeal on social media, while an animal charity has said they will put up a reward should anyone come forward with information on the whereabouts of Scuzzy.

The 60-year-old added: “If Scuzzy had been run over or fell into a ditch, someone would have seen her and let me know. I’ve had the bin men and the lads who collect dead animals from farms, check hedgerows and fields but there have been no sightings.

“In desperation I contacted the police and the sergeant told me in 22 years he’d never investigated a case like this one. We don’t care who has got Scuzzy or why she was taken, we just want her home.”

No signs of Scuzzy have yet been reported.

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