
‘I earn way more than my boyfriend and pay for everything – it’s giving me the ick’

A woman who says she earns more than her boyfriend and pays for everything has asked whether she should end their relationship.

Taking to Mumsnet, the anonymous woman explained that her current partner earns £25,000 a year – however she earns four times that amount.

After admitting she previously came back from financial ruin, she said she wants things to be split in half between the pair ‘or at least on track to be’.

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However, she says that certainly hasn’t been the case so far.

One woman says she’s paying for everything as she earns more than her boyfriend

Many took to the comments section to tell her to ‘end the relationship’ as he is ‘using her’.

However, others said she shouldn’t ‘look down on him’ for earning less money.

Talking about the situation, the woman explained: ‘DP (darling partner) and I have been together around 8 months – were friends for around a year prior to being in a relationship.

“We met through work and clicked immediately. I had left ExH (ex-husband) six months prior to meeting him. I have a DD (darling daughter) who is 3.5. ExH was financially abusive and contributes a minimal amount to her life.

“I didn’t initially fancy DP – not my type on paper at all and genuinely saw us as friends but the more I got to know him, the more I found attractive.

“My main concern before getting together, which we discussed at length before anything happened, was money and finances.”

She added: “‘I am 10 years into my career, am senior management and a high earner. He retrained to move into his role and took a pay cut.

“He has the potential to be where I am in around 3-5 years. I told him that for us to realistically work long term, he needs to be earning more.

She admitted the situation is giving her the ‘ick’

“He is currently earning £25k. I earn around 4 times that. We both work in a commission based environment and he has the opportunity to earn good money fairly quickly but you do need to put in hours/graft to be successful.”

The woman said her partner was initially “spurred on” by her success and was working harder to earn money,

However, she now says he isn’t bothering as much.

“‘He is genuinely the loveliest, kindest person, is fantastic with my daughter, all my friends and family love him and I genuinely cannot rate him highly enough however I’ve worked really hard to come back from financial ruin after my ex and I need things to be 50:50 or at least on track to be,” she said,

“We’ve had a conversation about this and he is in agreement with me/has vowed to do more and in his defence, is, but I cannot help feeling less attracted to him because of this.”

“What would you do in this situation? Head is saying end things. Heart is begging me to give him a chance.”

Many encouraged the woman to end her relationship over the issue

Saying she should end the romance, one person wrote: “Unfortunately you’ll have to end this. I would be completely put off. Like you, I work incredibly hard and I expect people to have self motivation. Just be kind but say this is not working.”

While another added: “I think it’s more than just ‘the ick’. He sounds like a bit of a user. Just because he’s ‘nice’ doesn’t mean he’s good enough for you.”

However, others said she shouldn’t ‘look down’ on the guy for earning less money than her.

One person wrote: “If I was him I would leave you. Go find someone who earns more money if that’s all you care about.”

While another added: “I don’t get why you started a relationship with someone on a low wage if money is so important to you. Let him go work at his own pace, and you go find yourself a man on 100k instead. You’re not being fair.”

Which side are you on? Let us know in the comments section below…