
MP demands Tory Jonanthan Gullis makes public apology for ‘fanning hatred’

A Tory MP faces calls to publicly apologise after saying migrant children snatched by criminal gangs “shouldn’t have come here illegally”.

Jonathan Gullis sparked outrage when he heckled a Labour MP asking about the scandal – which has seen the Home Office admit 200 children are unaccounted for.

Labour’s Mary Kelly Foy has written to Conservative chairman Nadhim Zahawi accusing Mr Gullis of fanning hatred, and demanded that he is made to say sorry.

She wrote: “For him to fan the fire of hate toward vulnerable children who have fled to our country seeking sanctuary, while escaping the atrocities taking place in their own, shows nothing but ignorance and contempt.”

In her letter she told Mr Zahawi – who is himself facing calls to step down after it emerged he paid a penalty to HMRC last year – that Mr Gullis’s actions has further damaged the reputation of the Tory Party.

Ms Foy wrote: “Mr Gullis’ views are not appropriate for a public servant. It is even more inappropriate to voice such views on a stage which is broadcast so widely.

Labour MP Mary Kelly Foy has written to the Tory party chairman

Ms Foy wrote to Nadhim Zahawi demanding an apology

“Members of Parliament are in positions of power whereby they can influence the thoughts and feelings of others through their words – and we have a responsibility to use that influence cautiously, so the repercussions of our words does not have a detrimental impact on anyone, let alone vulnerable groups.”

She told Mr Zahawi that if he felt Mr Gullis would benefit from a “candid conversation” with an organisation that helps asylum seekers, she would offer her help setting it up.

Former Schools Minister Mr Gullis was yesterday branded a “pound shop Farage” and accused of using “dehumanising language toward asylum seekers”.

He has been widely condemned on social media after Shadow Northern Ireland secretary Peter Kyle shared the comment, which was shouted as Labour’s Tulip Siddiq questioned Rishi Sunak.

Mr Kyle posted on Twitter: “Tulip Sadiq asks the prime minister about the welfare of 200 unaccompanied migrant children who’ve gone missing.

“Tory MP Jonathan Gullis heckles ‘well they shouldn’t have come here illegally’. Just when you think you’ve heard it all, the Tory Party find a new low.”

Mr Gullis was branded a ‘pound shop Farage’ in the Commons yesterday
Stoke Sentinel)

SNP Commons leader Deidre Brock fumed: “A member on the benches opposite, who is clearly bent on establishing himself as some kind of Conservative Party pound shop (Nigel) Farage, reportedly shouted something really loathsome yesterday at PMQs about the 200 asylum-seeking children that are allegedly missing.

“It was so despicable I won’t repeat it, but its content must be known to her through the outrage on social media. Will she join me in condemning his remarks, which by victim blaming potentially 200 missing vulnerable children, marks a new low in dehumanising language towards asylum seekers?”

Mr Gullis did not deny the comment, instead attacking Labour on migration.

It comes after minister Robert Jenrick admitted 200 asylum-seeking children who were placed in hotels run by the Home Office are missing.

At the weekend the Observer reported that a whistleblower from a Home Office hotel in Brighton said some children had been abducted off the street and bundled into cars.

Mr Jenrick said he had “not been presented with evidence that that has happened” but will continue to investigate.

In response to a query about the comment, Mr Gullis did not deny saying it, instead saying in a statement: “Labour’s open door approach to illegal immigration shows they’re out of touch with the public, out of ideas on migration, and explains why they’ve been out of government for over a decade.

“I fully support the Prime Minister in stopping migrants claiming asylum who have entered the UK illegally, deporting them to safe third countries like Rwanda instead, and smash apart the vile smuggling gangs.”

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