
Hells Angels-style biker gangs recruit combat-ready ex squaddies after vile van kill

Hells Angels-style biker gangs are signing up former squaddies to boost their ranks.

The crime outfits are said to give them a sense of belonging – and leaders value their combat skills.

Earlier this month, three ex-servicemen who joined a chapter of the notorious Bandidos were convicted of killing a biker spotted on their “patch”.

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Benjamin Parry, 42, Chad Brading, 36, and Thomas Pawley, 32, from the Bandidos’ Plymouth group were jailed for the manslaughter of David Crawford, 59.

Mr Crawford, of the Cornwall-based Red Chiefs, was hit from behind by a van on a slip road in the Devon city and dragged for almost 1km.

David Crawford (pictured) was killed by the rival gang

A former detective in the North West Regional Organised Crime Unit, who asked not to be named, said biker gangs represent “a big draw” for struggling veterans.

He said: “People who have fought for their country possess all the attributes biker gangs prize.”

One Afghanistan vet told us how he joined a chapter of the Bandidos. He said: “I was struggling with my mental health and severely lacking any kind of direction or purpose.

“There were a few things I had to do to show my worth – let’s just say you have to earn their trust.

The crime outfits are said to give them a sense of belonging

“It’s now a common path for ex-squaddies. You get a sense of being part of something again.”

In other news, The Daily Star reported last week how a motorcycle gang member arrested over an illegal tattoo told police his make-up must have rubbed off.

Brendan Luke Sacca is a member of the outlawed Mongols Motorcycle Club – an international group based in Southern California but with affiliate branches worldwide.

Sacca, has a tattoo of the gang’s name on his forehead. Under strict new laws introduced to crack down on organised crime groups it’s illegal in Western Australia to show any gang insignia in public.