
Is Brexit creating more problems than it was supposed to solve? Vote now

Spiralling inflation, labour shortages, poor economic growth and a lack of trade deals.

There’s no two ways about it – life outside the EU has been far from plain sailing since a majority of voters said the UK should leave in 2016.

Yet despite life being pretty dire for many of us, huge swathes staunchly believe that offically withdrawing in 2020 was the right decision – and blame issues the country has faced since on coronavirus, the war in Ukraine and a failure to properly implement Brexit and take advantage of potential openings.

So we’ve decided to launch a poll on the subject to see what Mirror reader think to Brexit now plenty of water has passed under the bridge.

If you can’t see the poll, click here

What do YOU think? Was Brexit the right thing to do? Take our poll above and expand on your decisions in the comments below