
Dr who claimed Covid vaccines were ‘irrelevant’ and sold ‘potentially harmful’ substances banned

Doctor who claimed Covid vaccines were ‘irrelevant’ and sold ‘potentially harmful’ substances she recommended to treat the virus during lockdown is banned from practising for nine months

  • Dr Sarah Myhill has been banned for 9 months for ‘undermining public health’
  • In the pandemic Dr Myhill told Covid patients to take high doses of vitamins
  • She also recommended some substances that could cause ‘serious harm’

A doctor who recommended Covid patients take high doses of vitamins and substances that could cause ‘serious harm’ has been banned from practising for nine months.

Private doc Dr Sarah Myhill, 64, of Knighton, Powys, posted online videos and articles advising Covid sufferers to take vitamins and other substances in high doses during the pandemic.

In addition, Dr Myhill sold substances she recommended on her website which the tribunal found could have caused ‘serious harm’ and ‘potentially fatal toxicity’.

The Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service ruled that these recommendations ‘undermined public health’ as there was no proof they worked.

 The tribunal found Dr Sarah Myhill spread misleading advice during the Covid pandemic

In videos posted between March and May 2020, Dr Mykhill, who discredited the use of facemasks, described her substances as ‘safe nutritional interventions’ which rendered ‘vaccinations irrelevant.’

However, the tribunal found that they were in fact not completely safe and could pose dramatic unseen health risks.

They also found there was no evidence the advice would be effective.

In its ruling, the tribunal found Dr Myhill ‘does not practise evidence-based medicine and may encourage false reassurance in her patients who may believe that they will not catch Covid-19 or other infections if they follow her advice.’

Dr Myhill had previously had a General Medical Council (GMC) investigation into her claims of being a ‘pioneer’ in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Dr Myhill was struck off for nine months for ‘undermining public health’ 

The tribunal additionally found Dr Myhill had put a patient with a potentially fractured hip at risk by failing to ensure they were taken to hospital and that her fitness to practise was also impaired as a result.

The hearing was told there had been 30 previous GMC investigations into Dr Myhill, but none had resulted in findings of misconduct.

The tribunal concluded: ‘Given the circumstances of this case, it is necessary to protect members of the public and in the public interest to make an order suspending Dr Myhill’s registration with immediate effect, to uphold and maintain professional standards and maintain public confidence in the profession.’

Dr Myhill did not attend the hearing in Manchester. 

MailOnline has reached out to Dr Myhill for comment.