
Lovesick Brit who went on 4-hour airport bender after split hurled abuse at Jet2 staff

A lovesick Brit who hit the airport bars ahead of a post-break up holiday hurled vile abuse at staff who refused to let him on the plane.

Kyle Windsor called one Jet2 employee a “fat s**g” as he was barred from boarding following a marathon drinking session to drown his sorrows.

A court heard Windsor, 27, had headed to Manchester Airport four hours early ahead of his scheduled flight to Ibiza in July last year, in order to “hit the duty frees”.

But as he became increasingly inebriated in the departure lounge, airline staff were tipped off about his condition and realised he was in no fit state to fly.

When Windsor was refused from boarding at the gate, a scuffle ensued resulting in the defendant pushing passenger service assistant Roy Franklin into a metal barrier before yelling “you f*g fat slag” at colleague Sarah McLean as she tried to calm him down.

Families waiting to board looked on in shock as Windsor shouted “who the f*** are you” at them before he was arrested by Greater Manchester Police.

A wrap of cocaine was later found in his pocket at the police station.

Kyle Windsor hurled foul abuse at airport staff as they refused to let him board
Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)

Windsor was loud and obnoxious
Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)

Windsor, from Fazakerley, Liverpool, admitted common assault, using threatening behaviour, being drunk and disorderly and possession of cocaine at Tameside magistrates court.

The court heard his foul abuse and behaviour had been seen by dozens of children during the July 25 incident.

Jack Moore, prosecuting, told the court: “The defendant arrived at Manchester Airport’s Terminal Two at 1.13pm on July 25.

“He was set to board a Jet2 flight to Ibiza hours later but soon after he arrived at the terminal he began to consume vast amounts of drink purchased at the duty-free retailers.

“Airport staff were made aware of his increasingly drunken behaviour by a number of reports made by holidaymakers in the terminal.

“Four hours later, at 5.08pm, Roy Franklin and Sarah McLean refused the defendant entry onto his flight. Both of the Jet2 employees reported that the defendant was clearly intoxicated and was unsteady on his feet.

“He was also loud and obnoxious towards staff and other passengers. He became angry with the two staff members for their decision to take exception of him and shoved Franklin in the middle of the chest in an attempt to get past him.

“The force of the push made Mr Franklin fall back, hitting a metal barrier pole on his way down to the floor. He did not sustain any injuries from this assault. Franklin got up from the floor and managed to calm down the defendant and get him to steady himself and sit on the floor.

“However, despite this, the defendant’s civil denouement did not last long and he was soon back up on his feet. He became aggressive towards McLean and verbally threatened her. He shouted: ‘who the f**k are you’ and ‘you f*g fat slag’, all while in the presence of families with children.”

Windsor hurled vile abuse at Jet2 staff as they refused to let him board whilst inebriated

“The defendant was later arrested and taken to nearby Cheadle Hill custody suite where he was searched. During the search, officers found a small snap bag of white powder which tests revealed was cocaine. He was interviewed the following day and gave no comment throughout.”

Toni Moran, for Windsor, said her client had planned “to go away on his own as he had recently experienced a break-up with his girlfriend”, and that he had mistakenly believed the white powder to have been ketamine, a Class B drug.

“He self-medicates with alcohol and that is why he got to the duty-free really early,” she said.

Ms Moran added: “The defendant was very, very drunk. He had trouble growing up and was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of seven.

“He also suffers from asthma, which meant that during Covid he had a particularly bad time and was not able to access medical assistance. This experience left him with PTSD. He was prescribed anti-depressants but has been infrequent in his dosage.

“While he doesn’t drink daily he does binge drink and has realised that this is his problem. As a result, he has since given up drinking.”

In a statement to police, Mr Franklin said: “I felt disappointed that I found myself in this situation. I felt for the passengers and my colleagues but especially my female colleagues because of the language used.

“This incident was purely down to alcohol. I have been working at the airport with Jet2 for just over four months and this was a first for me. I come to work to help people, not to be assaulted.”

In a statement from Sarah McLean, she said: “I should not have to come to work and be threatened for carrying out my duties. I have a duty of care to protect my colleagues, passengers and the aircraft.

“This incident was witnessed by many young children and this would no doubt have a had a negative effect on their holiday experience.”

Windsor was fined £189 with £453 in costs and was ordered to complete 10 rehabilitation activity days as part of a six month community sentence.

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