
FBI is ‘investigating George Santos for GoFundMe dog scheme’

BREAKING NEWS: FBI is ‘investigating Republican liar George Santos for stealing $3,000 raised for homeless Navy veteran’s cancer-stricken service dog Sapphire – which then died in agony’

  • Richard Osthoff was contacted by FBI agents investigating the scheme this week
  • He accused Santos of stealing money he raised for life-saving cancer operation
  • Claims Santos’ alleged ploy delayed procedure that could have kept dog alive 

The FBI is investigating George Santos over allegations he stole $3,000 raised for a homeless Navy veteran’s cancer-stricken dog.

U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of New York contacted the former service member Richard Osthoff this week, according to Politico

Osthoff claims in 2016 the scandal-plagued Republican congressman used the tragic story of the pit bull mix called Sapphire to raise funds for life-saving surgery to remove a cancerous tumor.

Santos allegedly didn’t hand over the funds and the dog died. 

The New York lawmaker, who is already facing multiple investigations and calls to resign over his fabricated resume, has denied Osthoff’s allegations.

The report states that Osthoff handed agents text messages between him and a man who called himself ‘Anthony Devolder’, one of Santos’ aliases.

The FBI is investigating George Santos for his role in a GoFundMe scheme to raise money for a veteran’s sick dog, a report claims 

The report, published Tuesday, contains bombshell claims concerning the GOP freshman leveled by Richard Osthoff, a disabled veteran who in May 2016 was living with his sick service dog, Sapphire, off a highway in New Jersey

The messages, first reported in Patch, suggested Devolder led Osthoff on before he abruptly said Sapphire was not fit for funding.

Osthoff claims Santos’ alleged ruse delayed the procedure that could have saved Sapphire’s life.

In 2016, the disabled veteran was living in a chicken coop on the side of a highway in New Jersey. 

After successfully raising the funds, Devolder allegedly deleted the fundraiser and disappeared with the money, leaving Osthoff – who suffers from severe PTSD – in the lurch. Months later, Sapphire succumbed to her illness and died.

Santos has since been accused of several instances of fraud, facing multiple criminal investigations over allegations he lied about his qualifications for congress. 

Osthoff told Politico on Wednesday: ‘I’m glad to get the ball rolling with the big-wigs. I was worried that what happened to me was too long ago to be prosecuted.’

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