
Out of touch Rishi Sunak doesn’t regularly read newspapers or online news sites

Out-of-touch Rishi Sunak doesn’t regularly read the newspapers, his press secretary has admitted.

And he only “occasionally” looks at the news online.

The admission came amid mounting questions on what the Prime Minister knew about allegations around the behaviour of his deputy, Dominic Raab.

The PM’s press secretary said Mr Sunak was not “aware of any formal complaints” against Mr Raab over bullying claims when he made him Deputy PM and Justice Secretary.

Asked if Mr Sunak was aware of informal complaints, allegations or reports about his behaviour, she repeated: “The Prime Minister was not aware of any formal complaints.”

Given stories in the media about Mr Raab’s behaviour predated his appointment by Mr Sunak, the Press Secretary was asked if the PM read the newspapers.

The Press Secretary replied: “I don’t know how regularly he does.”

The Prime Minister holding his costly coffee mug
Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror)

Mr Sunak filling up someone else’s car

She added: “Obviously he does occasionally read news websites, but it’s not something he does every morning with every newspaper.”

The PM has repeatedly been accused of being out of touch with ordinary Brits.

Appearing for the cameras to promote his disastrous Spring Statement, he was filmed apparently baffled while trying to use a contactless debit card to pay for petrol.

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And he was snapped pumping the petrol he was paying for into a Kia Rio – which he had to borrow from a member of Sainsbury’s staff.

In an interview the same day, he said the food item where he’d most notice a price increase was bread, because “we have all different breads in my house.”

The gaffe led to him being branded “Rishi Antoinette” on Twitter.

Photos ahead of his first budget in March 2020 saw him pose up with a £180 bluetooth coffee mug, which can be temperature controlled from an app on his phone.

It’s been claimed the Chancellor’s favourite snack is a truffle-flavoured crisp made by Torres, which costs as much as £5 a bag from posh department store Fortnum and Mason’s.

In pictures released before his 2021 budget in October, the Chancellor was shown wearing £95 designer flip flops made by LA brand Palm Angels and sold in Selfridge’s.

And he revealed in 2020 that he starts the day with a ride on his £1,750 Peloton exercise bike, where he enjoys online classes hosted by Instagram-friendly New York trainer Cody Rigsby.

And over Christmas the Prime Minister was widely mocked for asking a homeless man at a shelter he was visiting: “Do you work in a business?”

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