
Piers Morgan calls for return of Daily Star lettuce after Truss threatens ‘big comeback’

Piers Morgan has called for the return of the Daily Star lettuce after hearing news ex-Prime Minister Liz Truss is could make a “big political comeback”.

A worrying update about the former prime minister, who lasted just 49 days in the top spot, suggests Truss is ready to return to frontline politics this Sunday when she could critique her successor Rishi Sunak’s performance in the job.

Truss, whose time as head of government was outlasted by that of a Tesco lettuce with googly eyes, has left a sour taste in the mouth of Piers and the public, who reacted to the news about as well as could be expected.

READ MORE: Daily Star lettuce celebrates victory as Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns

The planned return of ex-PM Truss prompted Piers to tweet: “I’d rather hear from the lettuce.”

But senior Tories have since shot down claims of a comeback.

One charmed the nation, the other was out of a job after 49 days

One user appeared to agree with Morgan, noting that “you would get more sense out of the lettuce” than that of the former Prime Minister.

Another added that perhaps the shortest serving Prime Minister in the UK’s history had “turned over a new leaf”.

Piers appeared hopeful of a return for the Daily Star lettuce, especially now that a close ally to Truss has revealed the ex-PM is “ready to speak about her time in office”.

Despite the flop leader wrecking the UK economy, more than 50 “small state” Tory MPs have signed up to her new Conservative Growth Group.

Piers Morgan, along with some members of the public, hoped for the return of Lettuce Liz

Others have re-joined a WhatsApp chat last used during her leadership campaign, but a high-ranking party source has laughed off claims that the shortest-serving PM, who was outlasted by a livestreamed lettuce, could make a return to the frontbenches.

He said: “Lots of Tories want tax cuts, but no-one wants to go back to the disaster. I suspect the only people shouting ‘come back’ will be wearing white coats.”

The MP for South West Norfolk, who lasted just 49 days in Downing Street and became the shortest serving PM ever, is said to be meeting supporters on Wednesday to lobby the government for lower tax.

The lettuce has yet to comment on making a similar return to frontline politics

It comes after her own tax-cutting mini-budget sent the pound plunging, with Paul Johnson, director of the Institute of Fiscal Studies, saying the UK is still suffering the hangover from her policies.

He said: “Sunak and Hunt got things back on a rational track, but what’s really hard to measure is what it’s done for confidence in investing in the UK, combined with the uncertainty around corporation tax.”

Truss’ return to frontline politics may be a bit hard to swallow after the ex-PM was outdone by a Mr Potato Head-looking lettuce on a livestream.

Truss was bested by the leafy vegetable after resigning from her post as Prime Minister

A statement from the lettuce at the time of its victory read: “I came into office at a time of great e-kale-nomic instability but after an unbe-leaf-able campaign, I am thrilled to have been crowned victorious in these chard times.

“I want to commend my opponent, her heart was in it Butterhead was not.”

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