
Dog poo on pitch left rugby player in hospital for a week where medics sliced leg open

Dog poo left a rugby player needing his leg sliced open by medics after it infected a graze on the pitch.

Neil Baxter, 44, thought he’d suffered just another knock when an opposition player’s stud hit his calf during a match but it burnt up and spiralled into three months of hospital treatment.

In a match between his Essex-bade club Mistley and rivals Shelford from Cambridgeshire, Neil’s small wound ballooned by about 10cm started feeling red hot.

Neil carried on playing but an operation on his leg eventually followed after doctors told him the wound had become infected with dog poo.

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The locksmith said: “I went to A&E and they said I had an abscess just behind my shin bone, so they had to cut my leg open and flush it all out.

Doctors had to cut into Neil’s wound

“They had to leave the wound open and pack it with loads of stuff, which they gradually removed over a three-month period before gradually closing it up.”

Neil ended up spending seven days in hospital, last February but a year later the feeling has not returned to his calf.

The married dad of a son, 12, and daughter, 13, said: “I now cannot feel my calf from about two inches below my knee right to the bottom of the muscle. You could stick a pin in there I would not be able to feel it.”

Neil has now retired from rugby but is concerned about his nightmare being repeated by another player

He said he is very grateful to be back playing rugby again after the ordeal left him with 20% muscle loss along with a “big dent” in his calf.

Neil said: “I had to do a lot of work in the gym- going from being very strong in my legs to not being able to lift any weight on that leg was strange.

He continued: “We’ve put a lot more protocols at the club since it happened – we now have wipes and gel to clean any cuts before showering.

Neil’s scar from the infected graze

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“People are more vigilant now. The council weren’t able to put more poo bins out so we’ve installed them and emptied the bins ourselves.

“I own two dogs and I would not leave poo anywhere – it is just the 1% of owners responsible.”