
Ted Cruz Gives Head-Spinning Answer When Asked About Term Limits

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) said he supports term limits ― just not for himself, not yet.

Cruz claimed he backs a limit of two terms in office for senators. But as “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan pointed out on Sunday, he’s now running for a third term.

“Why aren’t you holding yourself to that standard?” she asked.

Cruz insisted that he’s a “passionate defender of term limits” and said “Congress would work much better” with those limits.

“I’ve never said I’m going to unilaterally comply,” he said.

Cruz has proposed a Constitutional amendment for term limits. That has virtually no chance of happening ― yet he said that’s when he will “happily, happily” comply with his own call for term limits.

See more of his conversation with Brennan below: