
Britney Spears EXCL: Star suffers from depression

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everybody is worried about her because she is very depressed’ – Britney Spears is spotted on 30-minute solo drive as she slams rumors of family intervention and reveals she is taking Prozac


Britney Spears has been pictured driving solo near her Los Angeles home amid claims her family and friends tried to stage an intervention for the troubled star over fears that ‘she may die’ due to concerns over her behavior and medication. 

The 41-year-old singer was seen driving by herself for 30 minutes on Thursday, before she took to her Instagram page to deny the claims, revealing that she is currently taking the medication Prozac for depression.

Spears posted a video Friday where she appeared agitated while dancing at her home, telling fans: ‘I didn’t die people. I’m here. I’m alive. I’m very much alive and well and I’ve got my fur here, you see I’m feeling myself.’ 

However, sources exclusively tell that the mother-of-two has been causing grave concern among her inner circle as she privately battles her depression. 

‘Everybody is worried about her because she is very depressed,’ a source close to the pop singer shared, adding that the former ‘bubbly’ star has turned into an introvert.

The source adds that her depression has been triggered, in part, by her two sons – Sean Preston, 17, and Jayden James, 16, whom she shares with ex-husband Kevin Federline – refusing to see her.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everybody is worried about her because she is very depressed’ – Britney Spears is spotted on 30-minute solo drive as she slams rumors of family intervention and reveals she is taking Prozac (Pictured above) 

‘Britney is not doing well, that is true,’ a friend who has known the singer for the past five years shared.

‘She is not the same bubbly person she used to be. It is heartbreaking to see her this way.’

The issue is said to be her pained relationship with her boys who moved from her house in Thousand Oaks, California to live with their father Kevin in Calabasas, California several years ago.

‘The problem is she is very sad that her sons won’t see her, she feels awful about it, it is a big hole in her heart,’ the insider added. ‘She is a mother of two boys and she never sees them, I think any mother would be heartbroken over that.’

As far as drugs, the source has not seen her do any. ‘She only takes her prescription meds,’ it was added.

Solo drive: Britney, 41, was pictured leaving her Los Angeles home on Thursday for 30 minutes before returning without having left her vehicle 

Worrying: The sighting comes amid claims that Britney’s friends and family had tried to stage an intervention after being concerned by her ‘erratic’ and ‘volatile’ behaviour 

Taking a call: Britney is said to have driven to a parking lot where she had a conversation on her phone before driving back to her home in LA

In the driver’s seat: Britney was not accompanied by her husband Sam Asghari for the solo trip

‘I have not seen her do drugs, I have not seen her drink, nothing, but everyone knows she is bi-polar and different and she is on a ton of meds for that, so her mood can be up and down, but she is not a drug addict and is not in danger of dying. But she is very depressed, which is a concern.’ 

And as far as a family intervention, the source has seen no evidence of that.

‘While everyone knows Britney is in a really bad funk, I have not seen anyone schedule an intervention. And if there was one being set up, I highly doubt Britney would know about it. How would she know? Her team is not in charge of her, she is in charge of them,’ said the friend.

The friend added that Spears manages her team – from maids and animal trainers to her assistants. 

‘She has a team around her that does everything for her, like pay the bills, do her laundry, fill up gas in her car. They are like servants. And she has plenty of people around her, her house is full all the time. You don’t see them in her Instagram videos, but they are there in the background,’ it was shared.

‘She calls all the shots and if she doesn’t like someone she fires them. No one can get her to do anything,’ it was claimed.

Speaking out: Spears also touched on her depression, even admitting she takes Prozac, in a Friday social media post that was accompanied by a video of her dancing with a fur wrap

Speaking out: Spears defended herself Friday saying she is ‘an extremely boring person’ and that claims of an intervention ‘frustrates’ her 

‘If her team is worried about her, they have not confronted her face to face, they can’t, they would get fired! Would you tell your boss their meds are making them weird? No, you would get fired. All I see is people kissing her butt all day long, they run around like trained seals.

Meanwhile, her husband Sam Asghari told Access this week that ‘an intervention’ did not happen and that she is in ‘control’ of her own life. 

Sam was also defending his wife as he said to Access’ Mario Lopez: ‘An intervention did not occur. My wife is in full control of her life and will continue to make all decisions involving her care regardless of circumstances. Speculation on her health is inappropriate and should end immediately.’ 

In her own Friday post, Britney also slammed reports that she ‘almost died’ and went into more detail about her life, adding she does not have a team made of a ‘manager’ and ‘doctors.’

‘I don’t have a management team nor will I ever again in my life !!! I don’t have “medical doctors” !!! I take Prozac for depression and that’s about it!!!’ she noted.

A loss: The reason for her recent depression is that she is sad that her two sons – Sean Preston and Jayden James whom she shares with ex-husband Kevin Federline – refuse to see her

Her manager Larry Rudolph quit in 2021. 

Spears added she is ‘an extremely boring person’ and that it ‘frustrates’ her that a news outlet would accused her of being in need of an intervention.

‘It’s worse than a cruel joke because people actually believe this stuff and all of my efforts in getting better with my little routine of prayer and therapy seems to not count for anything when people can say things that are incredibly wrong,’ she finished before adding she was playing dress-up in ‘diamond gowns and funky fashion.’

Not true: She also slammed reports that she ‘almost died’ and went into more detail about her life, adding she does not have a team made of a ‘manager ‘and ‘doctors.’

Her rock: The one bright light is her husband Sam Asghari, who supports the troubled star

He brings her peace: ‘Sam has really stepped up for her, he has been there for her, and is trying to make her happy, he tells her he will do anything to make her happy,’ it was stated

Meanwhile, a source adds to that her old manager Larry Rudolph left a year ago ‘because he could not tell her what to do. That should be a clear sign of who is the boss.’

The insider also said that Spears feels exhausted even though she has put her singing career on hold. 

‘Britney also says she is “burned out” which is weird because she does not work, but she must be burned out from being in the spotlight,’ said the pal.

The one bright light is her husband Sam Asghari, who supports the troubled star. 

‘Sam has really stepped up for her, he has been there for her, and is trying to make her happy, he tells her he will do anything to make her happy,’ it was stated. 

‘At first I didn’t know if he was good for her, but he has really come around and he is by her side, and I can tell he really loves her and wants her out of this funk. He is a decent guy.

And the source shed further light on The World Of Britney Spears.

Her man: Britney’s husband Sam is often with her in social media posts having fun, but it is not known if he can lift her out of her funk

‘Most of the time Britney is like in La La Land, fairytale land, she doesn’t know a lot, like the name of Biden’s wife or what NATO is, she is not living in the same orbit as most humans, she has that movie star energy, like she is in her own world,’ the source noted

‘Her days are wild, that is true,’ the sources add, and says she stays at home a lot because she is too famous to go out.

‘She plays music and entertains herself, it’s not like she is on CNN and meeting with business planners, she’d rather play dress up.

The pal then insisted that Spears ‘is still the sweeet girl I have always known,’ but she does stay up late and sleep in late.

‘I have no clue what she does at midnight, and if anyone tells you they know they are lying because her team is not in her bedroom at midnight.’

The source added Britney has always been ‘childlike’ which can be mistaken for ‘craziness.’ 

‘People keep saying she is losing it, but she has always been like that, ever since I have known her, she has been extremely playful, like a kid,’ added the source.

‘The thing that most people do not know about Britney is she is still like a child, like a 12-year old girl, she is not very adult-like. She must have had trauma at 12, because she is stuck in that maturity frame. 

‘She is incredibly sweeet like a little girl and yes she has outburst sometimes like a child but she is not going crazy. She has always been different, but it was hidden before. Now it is getting out how quirky she is.’

Stunted maturity? The source shared, ‘The thing that most people do not know about Britney is she still like a child, like a 12 year old girl, she is not very adult-like. She must have had trauma at 12, because she is stuck in that maturity frame’ (Pictured above in 2000)

Inside Britney’s world: A source tells the singer’s days are ‘wild’ revealing, ‘She plays music and entertains herself, it’s not like she is on CNN and meeting with business planners, rather she plays dress up’