
‘I’m a voice actor who makes audio porn clips – it really turns me on’

Imagine being hired to get people off with your seductive voice alone.

That is exactly what happened to Cera Gibson, a voice actor thriving on Quinn, an app for audio erotica.

Audio porn is the latest tool for intimate exploration and sexy startups like Quinn, Dipsea and Ferly are leaping off the popularity of podcasts and making major investments in listening pleasure.

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Erotic audio porn is descriptive, imaginative and sexy – and it targets your brain’s pleasure centre through the use of voices.

These voices are designed to be incredibly arousing and the lack of visuals allows listeners to use their imagination.

Daily Star spoke to one of the industry’s rising stars to see what exactly working as an audio erotica creator entails.

Cera uses her voice to target the pleasure centre in people’s brains

Cera, a 27-year-old actor from Utah in the US, said: “I fell into audio erotica very unexpectedly just a few months ago. For nearly two years now, I’ve been cultivating an online following via TikTok.

“It primarily centres around satirical commentary and skits. One facet of my online presence is what my following has titled ‘The Mummy Voice’.

“This voice has garnered me a fair amount of attention. People even started calling me the ‘dirty talk queen of TikTok.”

And for those who are curious, yes, Cera has been turned on by the job.

“I’m saying, and acting out some pretty steamy things. Aspects of the audios are pulled from my life experience. Reliving that can turn me on for sure,” she shared.

“I have told all my family members to steer clear. It is extremely explicit, and I can’t fathom them having a positive reaction. They’re aware of what I do, but I think that’s all they need to know.

She has been working for the audio erotica app Quinn

“My friends have definitely listened. Some out of curiosity and for a laugh, some because they think it’s hot.

“It definitely makes me blush to hear that people I know in person are consuming my audio but it’s very flattering and I encourage it!”

Cera has to get herself into a particular mood and frame of mind when recording – as it is an acting job after all.

“I have to get into character, in a sense. Because I write and produce all my audios, I’m able to lead myself through the scenario in a manner that facilitates the best performance from me,” she explained.

“There isn’t a visual, so I have to be fully present in my performance. I don’t have anything to lean on but my voice and the sound effects.”

The sound effects that can be heard in Quinn’s recordings – such as kissing, oral, fondling and penetration – are all created by her.

Sometimes Cera is turned on by her work

Her role requires a lot of experimenting with sounds and she shared that lotion is the most helpful tool for elevating effects that need wetness.

“I’m doing some pretty comical things with my hands and mouth. If I need the sound of touching or removing clothing, I’ll touch and manipulate my own clothing,” the 27-year-old said.

“I go for what sounds the most visceral. I think people would be surprised by how I achieve that sometimes.”

Working for Quinn keeps Cera on her toes and she is often asked to record interesting audios, especially from men.

She expected her male audience to want graphic and BDSM-inspired content and while some of them do, a large number of men want audios of her comforting them.

The 27-year-old is often surprised by what men request

“They want something tender and loving and some of them don’t even want sex included in the audios, I haven’t made anything like that yet. They want an audio where they’re being held,” Cera shared.

“I recently put out a song called ‘Daddy’. It’s a play on the traditional dynamic between a man and a woman. Despite how it sounds, it’s centred around the idea of allowing men to be vulnerable with you. Being the ‘daddy’ so they can be a person, and heal.

“So many men told me that they’re afraid to express their desire for this. I see that in the response to the song, and in the response to my audios.

“It’s made me look at men really differently. I’ve softened towards them quite a bit. I love knowing that I can be a space to help them work through the toxic standards of masculinity society has put on them.

“I didn’t expect that to come from my online presence or the content I create but it’s really lovely.”

It was Cera’s viral TikTok videos that saw the people behind Quinn reach out to her a year ago to start creating on their platform.

Cera has become popular on TikTok

This wasn’t the first time Cera had been made aware of this type of content though.

At the end of 2021, she got second place in a voice competition to potentially become a creator with Dipsea Stories, another audio erotica curator.

“My audience tagged me in the competition, and I thought, ‘Why the hell not? It could be fun’,” she explained.

Although she didn’t win the competition, audio erotica piqued her interest.

When Quinn first contacted Cera, she was juggling a few different music projects.

She was also about to leave the state for filming – so wasn’t able to commit.

Some of the scripts she reads are based off of her own sexual experiences

Then in November of 2022, they followed up with her and she was ready to go.

“Because of my background in music and audio engineering, it fit seamlessly into my routine, and I was able to start creating quality audios immediately,” she said.

“Thus far, Quinn is the only company I work with doing audio erotica. Quinn is an incredible company run by very impressive, young women.

“They treat me, and all the creators extremely well and it feels collaborative. I am never made to feel uncomfortable, by the company or my audience.

“The level of respect shared in this community is a welcome surprise. I am excited to continue this journey and hone my skills as a spicy content creator.”

To find out more about Cera, visit her website here.