
Police officer who shared ‘extreme Peppa Pig porn’ on WhatsApp gets to keep job

A Hertfordshire police sergeant who shared illegal pornography involving a popular cartoon pig is to stay in his job.

Police Sergeant 2325 Steve Evans shocked colleagues by posting in a WhatsApp chat a Peppa Pig video which morphed into a clip featuring a man performing a sex act on a pig.

At a hearing that ended earlier this month (February 7), Hertfordshire Constabulary Chief Constable Charlie Hall decided to let PS Evans remain in the force while giving him a final written warning.

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“The video was shared with a WhatsApp group involving colleagues,” the Chief Constable’s report said.

“It has not been shared more widely or with members of the public. Nonetheless it has clearly shocked colleagues receiving the video, with one immediately leaving the group.”

The report dismissed Evans’ claim that he only found out about the contents of the video after sharing it

“There is no wider evidence of anyone actually being harmed by his sharing of the video however it is important that I consider the possibility of harm to the public and the reputation of the police.”

It is thought 13 people were in the WhatsApp group when the vile and illegal video was sent.

The report said that while possession of such a video is illegal, this instance was “insufficient to initiate criminal proceedings”.

The Chief Constable said Evans has served in the force for 17 years and won multiple Starfish Awards for services to the public.

Evans is now on a final written warning for his inappropriate conduct

Evans claimed he only found out about the contents of the video after sharing it in the chat but the Chief Constable disagreed, saying: “A Peppa Pig video without any wider meaning is not something that is likely to be shared in an adult WhatsApp group.

“I also cannot believe that Sergeant Evans would not have viewed the video and known its contents before forwarding.”

His report concluded with a slap on the wrist, saying: “In all the circumstances I believe the public interest in this case is best served by retaining the officer in the service and enabling him to serve the public having learnt a substantial lesson from his misconduct.”

The final written warning will last for two years.

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