
More than 100 British ‘big game’ trophy hunters will be named and shamed in new book

More than 100 British ‘big game’ trophy hunters will be named and shamed in new book by anti-hunting campaigner

  • The book by Eduardo Goncalves will name and shame dozens of British hunters
  • Between them, the ‘big game’ trophy hunters have killed over 2,000 animals
  • It includes one retired businessman, who it is claimed has shot more than 650  

Dozens of British ‘big game’ trophy hunters are to be named and shamed.

One hundred hunters from the UK are to be featured in a new book by Eduardo Goncalves, of the Campaign To Ban Trophy Hunting.

Between them they have killed more than 2,000 animals, including lions, elephants rhinos, giraffes, leopards and antelope – with one retired businessman shooting more than 650.

Hunters pay safari firms thousands to get the chance to bag endangered animals.

One boasted: ‘It’s like mainlining on heroin.’ 

Between them they have killed more than 2,000 animals, including lions, elephants rhinos, giraffes, leopards and antelope – with one retired businessman shooting more than 650.

Another took his son for his ninth birthday, saying: ‘He took an impala trophy, a real beaut.’

The book, Saving Sally: Trophy Hunters’ Secrets And Lies, will be released ahead of a Commons vote on March 17 to ban souvenirs like lion heads.

Big-game hunting was called ‘barbaric’ by former PM Boris Johnson but Government has yet to ban the trade in trophies.