
Homeless teen turns pin-up model earning fortune from Marilyn Monroe tributes

A pinup model who has been dressing in vintage attire for six years turned to fashion to cope with her dark reality.

Bianca Blakney, from Canada, is a content creator and mother-of-three who has 11.6million followers on TikTok.

As well as having a considerable social media presence, the 25-year-old also rakes in the cash as a Marilyn Monroe lookalike and racy model on OnlyFans.

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While her life as an online personality is filled with glitz and glamour, this hasn’t always been the case.

One of six children, Bianca’s childhood was tumultuous. Not only was she bullied in school but her parents eventually divorced and her older brother died of brain cancer.

“I was a foster kid in the system for many years and I was homeless for a brief period. I was a teen mum who worked two jobs, I had no family to support me,” she exclusively told Daily Star.

Fashion helped Bianca during a dark time in her life

“I was in and out of bad situations but I always pushed to be stable and have a roof over my head.”

It was fashion that helped her escape the reality of her life and since shopping at thrift stores was all she could afford, she’d stumble across beautiful pinup clothing items.

Bianca’s grandmother was also a hairdresser in the 1960s and would dress Bianca in clothing from this period when she was a child.

“It’s basically always been a part of my life, I loved the nostalgia it gave off for me personally,” she shared.

“My biggest style inspiration is the original Star Trek, Buck Rogers, Barbarella, Lost in Space, Bewitched and many more.

“I’m into retro-futurism and sci-fi, I’m not just your everyday pinup girl.”

Bianca has experienced extreme trolling and online hatred

She says it has helped her develop a thick skin

Now Bianca proudly describes herself as being “one of the world’s most popular modern pinup and vintage fashion icons”.

But this online notoriety hasn’t come without its drawbacks; as her TikTok account grew, she started experiencing intense trolling.

“I have actually gone through years of abuse online which was honestly the hardest thing,” she shared.

“Besides the odd troll nowadays, it’s nothing compared to what I experienced from 2020 to 2022.

“It’s a topic I have avoided talking about to avoid drama but it was definitely the hardest by far.

Bianca is passionate about creating gorgeous content for her followers

“Trolls online can be very difficult, however after years of abuse I have thicker skin and can tolerate much more.”

Bianca has fought tooth and nail to keep her presence online after people have attempted to bully her off all platforms.

Online haters often compare Bianca in a negative light to another online creator and in 2021 she had her account taken away because someone had filed false copyright claims against her.

“I’ve been called a ‘knockoff’, a ‘Walmart version’ and every name in the book, even some people have gone into great details of horrible things they would do to me,” she shared.

“Nowadays people mainly troll me about the breast augmentation I’ve had. People often make mean jokes about them not being natural looking but I was never going for a natural look.

“It’s quite hard to say all of the nasty things people have said to me, I could write a novel just on that alone.”

People online often compare her to Marilyn Monroe

People online can also be inappropriate – but Bianca just boils that down to being in the public eye.

While she has sometimes struggled to cope with the online hatred, she says it’s only made her stronger and now, she just focuses on the content she loves to create.

Being an influencer isn’t always as lucrative as one may think it is though, as even though Bianca has almost 12million followers, she struggles to find work outside of social media.

Frustratingly, Canadian content creators don’t have access to the TikTok creator fund, which is an official fund established by the app to compensate creators for their content.

This is one of the main reasons Bianca started an OnlyFans account and it is currently the only platform she makes money on.

Bianca is also into retro-futurism and sci-fi

“Despite that, I love my job. OnlyFans has given me so many opportunities and without it, I wouldn’t be able to create all the content I have,” she explained.

“Besides all of the nasty things that come with social media, there are many positives, such as meeting new friends and having people enjoy you as a person, talking about your hardships and helping others in similar situations.

“I love creating content, it’s my passion and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’ve worked very hard to get to where I am and I feel very fortunate to be able to create every day.”

While she may never have gone to any fancy premiers or been invited to any events, as long as she gets to create content, she said she will be the happiest girl in the world.

Bianca added: “To think that my content would make somebody smile or has made people smile makes my whole day.”