
‘Labour must make a pledge to provide free school meals for all children’

London mayor Sadiq Khan’s commitment to free school meals for primary school pupils will serve up kids a hot meal… and the chance of a better future.

London is following Labour in Wales and the SNP by extending provision of free meals.

The evidence is overwhelming – nutritious free school meals help children do better academically, reduce obesity and other health issues, and can increase their earning power.

Children across the UK should be benefitting from this. We know uncaring Tories won’t do anything, but why isn’t Labour promising to make universal free school meals a ­manifesto commitment to clinch a General Election and give Britain a fresh start?

It’s time to see the beef in Labour’s national offer to the British people. Keir Starmer deserves many plaudits for putting Labour on the path to power, but it will take compelling policies to secure enough votes at the election.

Labour must make a pledge to provide free school meals for all.

Sadiq Khan made a commitment to offer free school meals for primary school pupils

Doc horror

Rishi Sunak’s do-nothing Conservative Government bears responsibility for junior doctors voting to strike in England.

The Tories’ failure to negotiate constructively with key workers is escalating pay disputes, particularly in the NHS, at the expense of patients and the country at large.

Every stoppage is another nail in the coffin of a party unfit to govern, its unelected PM heading an exhausted administration.

Britain deserves better and we urge ministers to sit down with junior doctors, nurses, ambulance crews and everybody else battling a biting cost of living crisis to find solutions.

If they refuse to negotiate meaningfully, voters will give their verdict at the ballot box.

Cost of Living

Our Cost of Living team of experts are here to help YOU through a very difficult year.

They’ll be bringing you the latest money news stories and also providing specialist advice.

Whether it’s rocketing energy bills, the cost of the weekly shop or increased taxes, our team will be with you all the way.

Every Thursday at 1pm they will take part in a Facebook Live event to answer your questions and offer their advice. Visit to watch. You can read more about our team of experts here.

If you have a question – or want to share your story – please get in touch by emailing [email protected].

McFlying visit

In 1985, Marty McFly, Doc Brown and a DeLorean sports car roared into cinemas and our hearts in Back To The Future.

Fast forward 38 years and the cast is together again in a sequel… called Blast from the Past.

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