
Young mum customised Ford Focus with secret gun compartment seat for boyfriend

A young mum appeared in court after modifying her Ford Focus in order to hide her boyfriend’s gun.

Charlotte Horner, 25, had a secret opening cut into the seats of her car so that her ex-commando boyfriend Sulleman Yassir, 21, could stow an air pistol he was given by a former special forces colleague.

Police retrieved the gun from one of the slits after Yassir began waving it at a group of men who he claimed were insulting his local mosque.

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Police searched Horne’s car where they also found ammunition and a serrated knife as well as a silencer hidden in her handbag.

It is not clear why Yassir was stashing the illegal firearm and paraphernalia there.

The court heard that Horner had no previous convictions

Horne, from Wythenshawe, was sentenced to a two-year community order at Manchester Crown Court and ordered to complete 30 rehabilitation activity days and 100 hours unpaid work.

A judge said he hoped the “pitiful” incident would be a “wake up call”.

The incident took place at 8.30pm on June 2 last year.

Brendan O’Leary prosecuting said: ”Ms Horne was identified as the driver and Yassir as the passenger. After the car parked up Yassir was seen to get out of the car and reach back into the vehicle as if he is retrieving something from the seat.

”He then ran over to the road and positioned himself near his local mosque on the road where he was seen gesticulating in an animated manner to others standing across the street. He appears to be holding a small black pistol in his hand at the time.”

Police later arrested the pair.

Charlotte Horne is mother to a young child, the court heard

In interview, Yassir claimed he had previously been in the Royal Marines and said a friend in the special forces had gifted him the air pistol while claiming the large serrated knife was used only to skin rabbits.

His defence lawyer Aubrey Sampson said: “Mr Yassir was on his way, travelling down the A6, when he heard some racist comments made about his mosque by passers-by.

“When he approached them they directed their insults at him and his family. He then attempted to put a stop to it and show them his gun.”

Sentencing Judge Patrick Field KC told the pair: “This was a particularly dangerous and stupid thing to do, it could have been much more serious. We are talking about waving a firearm around on the A6.”

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