
Russia’s spring offensive in Ukraine has failed to gain Putin’s forces any momentum 

‘More of a whimper’: Russia’s much-anticipated spring offensive in Ukraine has failed to gain Putin’s forces any momentum

  •  Putin’s forces are suffering a fatalities-to-wounded ratio of around one in three
  •  Russian casualties since the invasion began estimated to be around 200,000
  •  Ukraine has suffered fewer casualties and lost between one in ten of its troops

Russia’s much-vaunted spring offensive in Ukraine has failed to achieve its objectives and has resulted in 1,000 casualties per day, according to Western officials. 

They said the anticipated thrust had been ‘more of a whimper’, gaining no momentum despite the expenditure of huge amounts of manpower and equipment.

Vladimir Putin’s forces are also suffering a fatalities-to-wounded ratio of around one in three due to poor medical facilities and logistical issues. 

By contrast the Ukrainians have lost between one in ten and one in 20 of their wounded. 

Many have returned to action afterwards. Overall, Russian casualties since the invasion began are estimated to be around 200,000 – with as many as 60,000 troops killed. 

Vladimir Putin’s forces are suffering a fatalities-to-wounded ratio of around one in three due to poor medical facilities and logistical issues

Ukrainians have lost between one in ten and one in 20 of their wounded, suffering fewer casualties in contrast with Russian forces

Ukraine has suffered far fewer casualties – around 100,000 – due to its superior field hospitals and defensive infrastructure. 

Officials also revealed yesterday an estimated 97 per cent of Russia’s armed forces have been mobilised since the conflict began. 

Putin may need to bring in more reservists and retired troops. It was thought his state of the nation might announce further mobilisation, but it did not. 

A Western official said: ‘The spring offence has started but it has been more of a whimper than we might have expected. 

‘The Russian offensive has been at an enormous cost and they have struggled to break through. 

‘We expect Ukraine, supported by the West, to build momentum through the spring and summer.’