
Two thirds of older adults would resist going into a care home, study finds

Two thirds of older adults would resist going into a care home, but opposition has ebbed since the height of the pandemic

  • Reluctance to enter a care home in later life has intensified over past eight years 
  • Opposition peaked at 73% among over-45s and 82% among over-75s in 2020 
  • Reforms to paying for care such as an £86k spending cap are currently on hold

Reluctance to enter a care home in later life has intensified among over-45s, and most would prefer carers coming to their own home, new research reveals.

Some 69 per cent reject the prospect of residential care, rising to 72 per cent among over-75s, with opposition hardening since the study was first carried out in 2014.

Older adults have increasingly strong views about how they do and do not want to be cared for in old age, according to financial services firm Just Group.

Spending cap delay: Reforms to how people will have to pay for care are currently on hold

Evidence has emerged over the past few years that people are more likely to resist moving to care homes since the pandemic.

The crisis sparked outrage over the number of deaths among residents, and rows over visiting restrictions imposed on relatives.

Downsizing into another property or assisted living accommodation, or paying for one-on-one care in your own home, are more popular alternatives to residential care, according to previous research.

Reforms to how people will have to pay for care are currently on hold after the Government delayed the launch of a lifetime care spending cap until autumn 2025.

The plan would introduce an £86,000 ceiling on how much an individual has to spend on care – but based on some, not all, of their private contributions rather than on total costs – and raise the threshold to start receiving support from £23,250 to £100,000.

An influential industry group recently called for tax on pension withdrawals to be scrapped or reduced if the funds were being used to pay for care in later life.

The Association of British Insurers also suggested payments an older person has received from care insurance products could be excluded from means-tested income assessments carried out by local authorities.

How is care paid for at present? 

Under the current system someone’s assets – including the family home – is depleted down to £23,250 if they need to go into a care home.

If you need care in your own home, your assets must be depleted to a level set by your local council, which cannot be lower than £23,250, but your home is excluded from this means test.

Just Group found that 62 per cent of all over-45s and 47 per cent of over-75s surveyed in 2014 were against going into a care home when it first carried out its survey in 2014.

Although antipathy has become more widespread as a longer term trend, it has abated slightly since the height of the pandemic.

Resistance peaked at 73 per cent among over-45s and 82 per cent among over-75s in 2020.

Meanwhile, 20 per cent of all over-45s now say they are positive about going into residential care if they have to, compared with 32 per cent in 2014. 

Among over-75s, 29 per cent are in favour now against 44 per cent eight years ago.

When it comes to carers coming into your own home, 67 per cent would accept this now compared with 80 per cent in 2014. Among over-75s, the figures are 80 per cent and 93 per cent respectively.

Just Group also notes that the percentage of over-45s who are against being cared for by their children is at a low of 51 per cent, though it is much higher among over-75s at 69 per cent.

The horror stories about care homes during the pandemic have made a lasting impression and we still see significant numbers who are set against going into residential care
Stephen Lowe, Just Group 

‘There are increasingly strong views among older adults about how they do and don’t want later life care, should they need it, says Stephen Lowe, a director at the firm.

‘The horror stories about care homes during the pandemic seem to have made a lasting impression and we still see significant numbers who are set against going into a residential care setting.’

‘Having care provided in their own home is by far and away the most popular option for many people, especially among over 75s who are most likely to need greater support in the near future.’

Lowe adds: ‘The delay to the care cap and the litter of abandoned reforms successive governments have left in their wake have helped create a cohort of disengaged, confused people – and no wonder with a system that seems to be constantly on the verge of change.

‘Clear communication from the Government about the social care reforms, including a timeline for re-introducing the delayed £86,000 care cap, are vital to building trust in the system and getting people planning for their later life.’

Just Group surveyed 1,000 over-45s, mostly in England plus a small group in Northern Ireland.