
‘A once mighty Conservative broad church is increasingly UKIP-like warring sect’

Brexiteer biting Brexiteer, vengeful Boris Johnson on the rampage and a woman MP dumped a week after returning from maternity leave, the Tory Party’s hell-bent on proving itself unfit to rule Britain.

What was once a mighty Conservative broad church is an increasingly discredited UKIP-like warring sect fighting in pews only down the right-hand side of the knave after wrecking the building.

Rishi Sunak recklessly ignored Northern Ireland when he mis-sold Brexit as a national saviour and should be offering repentance as he tries to sort a mess he helped create.

Expecting credit for confronting ERG extremists and DUP dinosaurs is a bit rich from the wealthiest Prime Minister in history.

Fixing what he broke is restitution not leadership as he frets that a Northern Ireland Minister on resignation watch, Steve Baker, could quit.

Sunak is ‘the frontman for a force destroying itself’
Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Sunak’s fundamental weakness is why Johnson reportedly shouted “F*** the Americans”, just as he screamed “F*** business”, to undermine a PM without authority.

And it’s why Tory bigwigs in Stafford decided to dump abused MP Theo Clarke a week after she returned from maternity leave.

Imagine the uproar in the Tory press had Labour activists during the Corbyn years done that to a woman.

Clarke is the third Conservative MP to be threatened with the sack because they aren’t crazy enough for a mad party.

Sunak’s the frontman for a force destroying itself. He’ll never remove all the most poisonous, loony, loopy and reactionary Tories.

We saw that when Liz Truss was preferred over Sunak. Mr Beaten might pull off a Northern Ireland deal but it will weaken, not strengthen him.

The Conservative church is crumbling before our very eyes.

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