
UK prison cracking down on female lags smuggling in ‘inappropriate’ lingerie

Female cons have had the sexy lingerie they smuggled into a UK prison confiscated.

Senior bosses at the East Sutton Park women’s open prison in the Kent town of Maidstone sanctioned the purge after discovering that prisoners on day release were bringing back lacy knickers and push-up bras into the jail.

The racy items were classed as contraband and taken off the lags who, according to Prison Service rules, are allowed seven bras and 14 pair of knickers while serving their sentences.

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But any provocative items that “do not meet the basic standards of modesty and decency” are banned.

The crackdown at the prison emerged in a report by the Independent Monitoring Board, which sends teams to inspect jails.

The Maidstone prison has capacity for 90 inmates

It stated: “There are a few recorded instances of residents bringing in illicit items. Usually, these consist of items of clothing.”

The prison holds 100 inmates, of which two thirds go out on day release.

A source said: “There are enough security risks within a prison without having to worry about frilly drawers. It might seem funny but it is being taken seriously as a threat to the strict regime.”

Last night, a Prison Service spokesman said: “Clothing purchased by prisoners must be approved by the prison before they can wear it or it will be confiscated.”

A source said “there are enough security risks within a prison without having to worry about frilly drawers”

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East Sutton was first opened as a borstal youth detention centre in 1946 before it was re-registered to take in female criminals.

It currently has capacity for 90 inmates and, in September, one female con urged fellow lags to request a move to East Sutton, saying it was “lovely” and like staying in a manor house.

The woman, calling herself only T Hayes, said there were herds of horses in the 84-acre grounds, and that inmates could go for “country walks” by a lake in the grounds in the evening, as well as tucking into “great food“.

East Sutton is, indeed, famed for its sausages and lamb chops, sourced by its own herd of saddleback pigs and flock of sheep.