
Mum-of-six needs feet and thumbs amputated after doctor told her ‘go back to bed’

A single mum-of-six, is tragically facing the amputation of parts of her toes and her fingers after suffering multiple organ failure.

Michelle Griffiths, 28, was prescribed antibiotics and told to “go back to bed” by doctors who believed she was suffering from a kidney infection.

Michelle, a full-time carer, didn’t respond to the medication and two days after a home visit by a doctor, the ill mum was forced to drive herself to the hospital.

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The 28-year-old, from Llanllyfni in Gwynedd, Wales, was diagnosed with pneumonia, sepsis, and a possible blood clot on the lung during her visit.

Sion Hughes, her brother-in-law, called the situation a nightmare as he spoke to NorthWalesLive.

Michelle was diagnosed with pneumonia, sepsis, and a possible blood clot on the lung

He said: “On January 4 the doctor came round to visit her as she was really poorly but he kept saying: ‘She’s all right, she’s all right’ and: ‘You can go back to bed’.

“Then, two days later, she had to drive herself to Ysbyty Gwyneddin absolute agony.

“We got a phone call at around 6am the next morning saying: ‘You need to come in, it’s your sister-in-law. She’s not in a good place. We’re not sure if she’ll pull through but we’ve sedated her and had to take her to Glan Clwyd.’

“When we got there we were told she had multiple organ failure so her liver, her kidneys, her lungs – everything had stopped working essentially.

She was originally told to go ‘back to bed’ by doctors

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“After a week or so, she still wasn’t getting any better and then she had pneumonia and a possible blood clot on the lung, which then caused a sepsis infection. Her feet turned black and her thumb also turned black.

“After five weeks in Glan Clwyd they transferred her to Bangor where they finally un-sedated her. At the moment she is finally starting to come through it a bit but I wouldn’t wish this on anybody.”

Sion said that the doctors are going to have “amputate the top of her feet and also her thumb” as he urged the importance of raising money to help Michelle and her kids get through this extremely tough time.

He continued: “It’s going to be a nightmare now to get the funds to turn her life around as a result of this. It’s honestly been heartbreaking to give everything up and change our households around so we can take care of her kids for now.”