
Boris Johnson promises ‘hand on heart I did not lie’ over boozy Downing Street parties

Blustering Boris ‘Bozo’ Johnson did his best to claim the Downing Street lockdown parties were not parties.

The ex-PM insisted “hand on heart I did not lie” to MPs over Partygate on Wednesday (March 22).

He claimed it was “necessary” for him to attend leaving dos while the rest of the country was banned from going to them.

READ MORE: Shameless Boris Johnson’s Partygate defence revealed – ‘I’m not a liar, I’m a moron’

In his televised hearing Bozo suggested the Privileges Committee was accusing others – including the current PM – of “lying” over whether they believed gatherings followed rules and guidance.

Bozo said it would have been “utterly insane” for him to have misled Parliament and it would be unfair and wrong for MPs to conclude he had.

Boris on the front cover of Thursday’s (March 22) Daily Star

He said if it “was obvious to me” the gatherings broke guidance and rules, it “must have been equally obvious to dozens of others”.

“I don’t think you seriously mean to accuse those individuals of lying and I don’t think you can seriously mean to accuse me of lying.”

Bozo said of an event caught on Zoom and by an official photographer: “If we had an event that we believed was illicit or unauthorised, why would we have it on Zoom?”

The ex-PM claimed it was ‘necessary’ he attends the gatherings

Referring to the June 19 2020 birthday party for him, he pointed out he received a fixed penalty notice as well as PM Rishi Sunak.

“But it never occurred to me, or I think the current Prime Minister at the time, that the event was not in compliance with the rules and the guidance,” he said.

Bozo insisted his birthday gathering consisted of only mild festivities and added: “No one sang, the famous Union Jack cake remained in its Tupperware box.”

The gatherings took place while the rest of the country was banned from meeting up

He also admitted No 10 staff would not even touch each other’s pens in the office, only to then happily pass bottles between themselves when they gathered for drinks.

Bozo said when he later spoke to MPs it “did not for one second occur to me” it was against the rules, adding: “I had to rely on and was fully intended to rely on what I was told by my senior trusted advisers.”

He added: “I apologise for inadvertently misleading this House. But to say I did it recklessly or did it deliberately is completely untrue.”

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