
Feral goats run riot in UK town as exasperated locals demand they are shot

Exasperated locals have called for blood in the war on a huge gang of feral goats in their sleepy Welsh costal town.

All was well in Llandudno until a gang of long-horned roaming Great Orme Goats descended on the streets, popping into a local hotel, queuing up outside a care home at dinner time hoping for a meal, and visiting the local service station.

The goats have also been munching any vegetation they can get their teeth into, and despite this, Conwy Council ruled that despite their unruly behaviour, it is landowners’ responsibility to protect their properties from the 200-strong gang.

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A report released by the council said that they would not confine the Kashmiri goats using fencing for fear it will become solely responsible for the animals’ welfare.

The goats roam the streets looking for food during the pandemic lockdown
The goats roam the streets looking for food during the pandemic lockdown

The report also detailed how shooting had in the past been considered as a way to control the goats in the 1990s.

According to North Wales Live, the report states that a group of various concerned parties “considered the various options.”

“It recommended that the population of feral goats be controlled through shooting individual animals, targeting ones that were sick, injured, or very elderly,” it read.

This recommendation was supported by various parties but was overturned at full council “following a large public demonstration at Bodlondeb (nature reserve).”

Kashmiri goats have been devouring garden hedges, munching flowers and even fighting in car parks
Kashmiri goats have been devouring garden hedges, munching flowers and even fighting in car parks

Recently, residents had urged the council to find a way to clamp down on the animals’ wandering ways, but landowners were told it was their responsibility to protect themselves and their homes.

It comes after claims the Kashmiri goats have been devouring garden hedges, munching flowers, running wild in the streets and even fighting in supermarket car parks.

The goats have roamed the town and its accompanying mountains for over 100 years but shot to fame in 2020 when they took over the streets emptied by the coronavirus lockdown.

More than 200 of the goats regularly leave the Great Orme headland to wander down into the streets.

The report says that no one person or organisation is legally responsible for the goat populations after they “reverted to a wild state” after Queen Victoria gifted them to a local lord.

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