
King Charles has ‘problem he needs to deal with’ as slimmed down plan stumbles

King Charles has a “problem he needs to deal with” as he attempts to push through with a slimmed down Monarchy.

The plan was not best received by Princess Anne, the long-serving Royal Family member questioning how fewer royals were meant to take on more public roles.

But it would appear the future of the family rests in the hands of three yet-to-be appointed royals, with Prince William and Princess Kate’s trio of children being set for major roles, Express reported.

READ MORE: Prince Andrew posed for Coronation snaps ‘unlikely to ever be released’, claims source

With “hundreds of patronages” a growing sore for the Royal Family, expert Richard Fitzwilliams believes the slimmed-down monarchy could prove troublesome for King Charles.

A lack of active Royal Family members could mean King Charles' wishes are difficult
A lack of active Royal Family members could mean King Charles’ wishes are difficult

He said one of the problems, which is “something that King Charles is going to have to deal with”, is how few working members of the Royal Family are below retirement age.

Expert Fitzwilliams said: “As we saw in the first set of photographs released after the highly successful coronation weekend, there were 12 working members of the Royal Family, of which only four were below the age of 70.”

Even with Prince George, Louis and Princess Charlotte, it will be over a decade before any of the children can take over royal duties.

The gap in the King’s plans is, according to Fitzwilliams, something which needs addressing.

The children of the Prince and Princess of Wales are seen as the next active royals
The children of the Prince and Princess of Wales are seen as the next active royals

The expert continued: “Of course George and Charlotte and Louis played a role of one sort or another in the different days in the during the coronation weekend.

“I mean it was wonderful to see George as a page of honour, but it is obviously going to be a long time before any of them are able to participate in royal engagements actively.

“And this does mean that, firstly, The Waleses are the future of the monarchy, there’s absolutely no doubt about it. But secondly, who’s going to take up all these hundreds of patronages at the moment which are at the moment vacant?”

Those same royal roles come into question again, just a short while after Princess Anne asked whether it was a “good idea” to have the Monarchy slimmed down much further.

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