
Fears Satanists have returned as lamb slaughtered and has Bible put on dead body

A coven of Satanists could again be stalking the New Forest, locals fear, after a slaughtered lamb was found with a bloodstained Bible resting on its body.

There were concerns raised in 2019 after evidence of Satanic rituals was found in the forest. Pigs were found with their hearts ripped out and sheep and cows were also killed and mutilated.

A police investigation was launched after a sheep was killed and sprayed with occult symbols, with several cows also wounded in the woodland. Now, it seems, the Devil-worshippers are back.

READ MORE: Sick devil worshippers ‘raped 11-year-old boy and drank his blood as they killed him’

Several cats have reportedly been found impaled on poles by horrified residents.

One sheep was found slaughtered and marked with Satanic symbols
One sheep was found slaughtered and marked with Satanic symbols

Farmer Patrick Langdown was called by a member of the public after the lamb was found. He quickly realised that it was one from his flock.

Patrick, 66, said the two-month-old animal had been dumped next to a pond.

“There’s been weird things happening in the forest for a while now, with the dead sheep and the cats on poles and all those bits and pieces,” he told the Telegraph.

“I did have five sheep killed last year, and their skins were left behind, and in another field, some of my sheep were let out and got poisoned by rhododendron plants.

“It leaves a bitter taste. You don’t sleep. Any bang, any noise, you wonder what is going on. One day, hopefully, they’ll make a mistake.”

A Bible was found on the lamb's bloody body
A Bible was found on the lamb’s bloody body

Andrew Parry-Norton, chair of the Commoners Defence Association, called the killing of the baby lamb “mindless”.

He said: “From a CDA point of view the attacks are horrific but it also create shockwaves throughout the community.

“It is not only a financial loss but the emotional upset it causes. We all worry about our stock as it is, but this is mindless.”

Rev David Bacon, vicar of Bramshaw, said the attacks on the animals left people “disturbed and scared”.

He went on: “We have had very very minor incidents in the past, little bits of graffiti, it doesn’t happen very often, nothing like this.”

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