
Thousands gather to show solidarity to victims of knife rampage

Thousands gather to show solidarity to victims of knife rampage at Alps resort playground that that left four young children and two adults injured

Thousands of well-wishers gathered by the lake in Annecy to show their support for the tiny knife attack victims and offer praise to the emergency services who rushed the youngsters urgent treatment.

Parents with children, elderly residents and holiday-makers packed the picturesque lake-side lawn by the historic town centre for the ‘solidarity demonstration’ at 11am this morning.

The crown applauded the leaders of the town’s emergency service – police, civilian heroes, ambulance crew and helicopter pilots – who had responded to the emergency within four minutes of the attack.

Among them were Pierre-Alexis Boccard and his two young daughters who played frequently at the ‘Pirate Playground’ park where twisted knifeman Adbelmasih Hanoun stabbed four toddlers and one elderly man on Thursday morning.

Monsieur Boccard, from Annecy, explained part in the demonstration was important to help the victims and everyone in Annecy to move on.

Parents with children, elderly residents and holiday-makers packed the picturesque lake-side lawn by the historic town centre for the 'solidarity demonstration'

Parents with children, elderly residents and holiday-makers packed the picturesque lake-side lawn by the historic town centre for the ‘solidarity demonstration’

Pierre-Alexis Boccard (centre, with daughters), from Annecy, explained part in the demonstration was important to help the victims to move on

Pierre-Alexis Boccard (centre, with daughters), from Annecy, explained part in the demonstration was important to help the victims to move on

Builder Jeton Zogan brought his seven-year-old twins Alban and Elvana to the park to offer their support

Builder Jeton Zogan brought his seven-year-old twins Alban and Elvana to the park to offer their support

He told MailOnline: ‘We are here today to show our support for the young victims of this terrible attack.

‘My daughters often come to the playground and being here today will allow us to move on and come back here like before.’

Builder Jeton Zogan brought his seven-year-old twins Alban and Elvana to the park to offer their support.

Monsieur Zogan, from Annecy, said: ‘My wife brings the twins to the park all the time. So we want to show our support for the poor children.

‘They have drawn pictures for the children to show them that we are offering them our best wishes and to say ‘get well soon’.

‘This is how we show our love and support to people when they are in difficulty.’

Mother Annelise Sarte (left) brought her daughters Alice, 14, and Thelma, 6, to lay flowers for the victims

Mother Annelise Sarte (left) brought her daughters Alice, 14, and Thelma, 6, to lay flowers for the victims

One of the aims of the service was to thank emergency services for their quick reaction to the knifeman

One of the aims of the service was to thank emergency services for their quick reaction to the knifeman

Heavily armed members of France's paramilitary Gendarmerie police and an elite mountain army regiment patrolled the area to prevent copycat attacks

Heavily armed members of France’s paramilitary Gendarmerie police and an elite mountain army regiment patrolled the area to prevent copycat attacks

Mother Annelise Sarte brought her daughters Alice, 14, and Thelma, 6, to lay flowers for the victims.

Madame Sarte explained: ‘We are from Annecy and we want to show our support to these poor young children.

‘We are here because it is important to show our solidarity to the youngsters – the French kids, the English girl and the Dutch girl. We want to ‘say we are all with you’.

Meanwhile heavily armed members of France’s paramilitary Gendarmerie police and an elite mountain army regiment patrolled the area.

The service on Saturday morning ended with a rousing rendition of the French national anthem, La Marseillaise

The service on Saturday morning ended with a rousing rendition of the French national anthem, La Marseillaise

Floral tributes to the victims of the twisted knifeman, Adbelmasih Hanoun, who stabbed four toddlers and one elderly man on Thursday morning

Floral tributes to the victims of the twisted knifeman, Adbelmasih Hanoun, who stabbed four toddlers and one elderly man on Thursday morning

During the 25-minute service Annecy Mayor François Astorg singled out ‘backpack hero’ Henri d’Anselme, who had chased twisted knifeman Hanoun away of the children’s playground, armed only with his rucksack.

The mayor condemned the ‘barbarism’ of the ‘heartless’ attack’ on the toddlers and told of the ‘pain suffered in France, Great Britain and the Netherlands’.

But he praised the thousands of well-wishers who had gathered by the picturesque lake.

He said: ‘I thank you for your heartfelt support. For your fraternity and solidarity with the families of the victims.’

Local singer Laure Pauthex delivered a haunting rendition of the popular French tune ‘Talk To Me of Love’.

The service end with a rousing rendition of France’s national anthem ‘La Marseillaise’.