
Nottingham attack suspect was ‘polite churchgoer’ who became ‘topless drinker’

The man allegedly responsible for the Nottingham attacks earlier this week has been described as a “polite churchgoer from a good family”.

Valdo Amissão Mendes Calocane was arrested on Tuesday after Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar, both students aged 19 were stabbed in the street.

School caretaker Ian Coates, 65, was also killed in the series of fatal attacks in the early hours.

Calocane, 31, was arrested on suspicion of murder two hours after the attack on Tuesday morning.

Detectives have since been given an extra 36 hours to question him.

The man grew up in Haverfordwest in Wales, and a former neighbour has spoken out about what he was like as a young boy.

Valdo Amissão Mendes Calocane was arrested on Tuesday
Valdo Amissão Mendes Calocane was arrested on Tuesday

She also divulged more family details, too.

Marlene Raymond, 55, said: “I can picture the eldest boy now in his school uniform, he was very smart and handsome.

“He was very bright, all three children are – they are a nice family and have been lovely neighbours for years.

“I haven’t seen the oldest boy for some time – since he went away to college or uni. They are very clever, all of them are polite and intelligent children.”

Family and friends of the victims have been paying tributes to the victims this week
Family and friends of the victims have been paying tributes to the victims this week

A current neighbour, who lives next door to a house raided on Tuesday by police, claimed she recognised the man from publicy available CCTV images.

Kamran Kahn, 41, told The Mirror that the bloke was seen outside in his garden “with his top off, smoking and drinking all the time”.

He added: ““He was seeing a girl who used to live there and he’d spend a few days there, here and there.

“I recognised him straight away when footage of him came out trying to get into the residential home.”

In its latest update on Tuesday’s killings, Nottinghamshire Police also said the suspect being held previously attended the University of Nottingham – the same university as the two teenage victims.

Calocane reportedly graduated in mechanical engineering last year.

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