
Grandfather ‘drugged his wife so 83 men could rape her’

Pictured: White-haired grandfather who ‘drugged his wife so 83 men he met on depraved websites could rape her’ – as it’s revealed the couple were thought of as ‘lovely people’ by neighbours

A chilling image has been released of a grandfather who allegedly spent ten years letting 83 men rape his wife while she was drugged unconscious after finding them on a depraved website. 

Smiling for the camera, Dominique P. looks like an ordinary white-haired grandfather as he poses for a family picture at his home in the village of Mazan, near Avignon.

He shared the villa with his wife and they were highly respectable pensioners with family members who visited regularly.

Neighbours spoke about them as ‘lovely people’ who held regular parties around their swimming pool and well-kept garden.

But ‘Françoise’ collapsed in horror when shown evidence of how she was brutally assaulted for nearly a decade, prosecution documents have revealed.

A chilling picture has been released of Dominique P., who allegedly spent ten years letting 83 men rape his wife while she was drugged unconscious

A chilling picture has been released of Dominique P., who allegedly spent ten years letting 83 men rape his wife while she was drugged unconscious

Dominique P. was indicted for the murder of a woman in 1991 – which he denies – and the attempted rape of another in 1999. Previously an E-FIT based on witness testimonies in the 1999 case was said to 'bear a strong resemblance' to Dominique P

Dominique P. was indicted for the murder of a woman in 1991 – which he denies – and the attempted rape of another in 1999. Previously an E-FIT based on witness testimonies in the 1999 case was said to ‘bear a strong resemblance’ to Dominique P

‘Françoise’ told police how she would wake in the night feeling she had been raped, but assuming the chilling reality must have been a dream.

Now, she has filed for divorce from her husband of 50 years, as evidence mounts in the case against him and 51 identified suspects accused of raping her as she lay unconscious at their home in the south of France between 2011 and 2020. 

Prosecution documents allege that husband Dominique P. urged his wife’s rapists not to wear condoms. A doctor has also revealed the woman in her sixties had contracted four venereal diseases and suffered gynaecological problems.

In fact, Dominique P. – now 70 and identified only by his first name and the initial of his surname – was allegedly a multiple rapist and murderer all along.

After allegedly killing a young estate agent in 1991, he moved to the countryside property in Provence, and set up a sordid sex ring.

It involved advertising on a site for ‘partners’ on an online forum called ‘Without Her Knowing’.

Participants would discuss performing acts on unwitting partners, and then film their depravity, before storing the videos on a USB drive dubbed ‘Abuses’.

In Dominique’s case, the data eventually fell into the hands of police, who confirmed it enabled them to identify 92 cases of rape of Dominique’s wife, who is referred to by the legal authorities by the pseudonym of Françoise.

Of the 83 men involved, 51 aged between 26 and 73 have been identified and arrested by the police.

Now all of them – including Dominique – are on remand and awaiting a trial next year.

Dominique is said to have sedated his wife by putting tablets of Temesta – a powerful anxiolytic – into her evening dinner.

He then invited strangers from the online forum into the couple’s bedroom, so that his wife could be raped while unconscious.

Investigators only learned about the horror in 2020, when Dominique was arrested in a supermarket in Carpentras for filming up the skirts of other customers.

When police searched his camera phone, and equipment kept at his home, they found all of the abuse images.

The picturesque village of Mazan, near Avignon in the south of France

The picturesque village of Mazan, near Avignon in the south of France

Alleged rapists involved in the case include civil servants, ambulance workers, soldiers, prison guards, nurses, a journalist, a municipal councillor, and truck drivers.

A fireman accused of raping Françoise wore his uniform during the attack, one video shows.

The fireman’s computer contained 728 images of children being sexually abused, say prosecutors.

Some of his accomplices claimed they had no idea his wife was not consensual while one denied it was rape, saying: ‘It’s his wife, he does what he likes with her.’

Dominique has also been charged with raping and murdering Sophie Narme, a 23-year-old estate agent who was found dead in Paris in 1991.

A second estate agent, referred to only as E., said she had been attacked in Paris eight years later, and investigative sources say an e-fit of the suspect in both cases ‘bears a strong resemblance’ to Dominique.

The suspect admits attacking E., but denies having anything to do with the murder of Ms Narme. He has yet to plea over the rape charges.

As prosecutors also prepare to bring the case involving his wife to trial next year, evidence is said to show how the couple’s eldest daughter was also filmed unconscious in her underwear, and alleged abuses against other family members.

Grandchildren allege the suspect regularly ‘played doctor’ with them, and would buy them toys for undressing, and Dominique is said to have filmed his daughters-in-law in the bathroom using a hidden camera, sharing the images online.

Sophie Narme, a 23-year-old who Dominique P. was suspected of raping and killing in 1991. He denies having anything to do with the case

Sophie Narme, a 23-year-old who Dominique P. was suspected of raping and killing in 1991. He denies having anything to do with the case

In the case involving his wife, he was ultimately caught in 2020 after he was found using a pen with a hidden camera to spy on women in changing rooms in Carpentras, leading police to search his house.

Dominique faces trial next year, along with alleged accomplices he met on an online sex forum, for alleged offences against his wife.

Police have used video and computer data evidence to identify 92 cases of rape of his wife by 83 men, and have to date identified 51 suspects aged between 26 and 73.

In his videos, Dominique called his wife a ‘slut’ hundreds of times, but insisted he meant it affectionately.

He also told investigating magistrates he loves his ‘saint’ wife. 

His lawyer added that Françoise was ‘his first love, indeed the only love of his life’.

The father-of-three, in his early 70s, is currently in prison in Avignon charged with ‘aggravated rape’ and the administration of drugs which were used to sedate his wife. 

When his wife was informed of the secret tapes, she broke down and became suicidal, saying: ‘I was his thing,’ before filing for divorce. 

Abuse took place in the town of Mazan, south of France, and was only uncovered after the man was caught up-skirting women in a local supermarket – prompting officers to search his home

Abuse took place in the town of Mazan, south of France, and was only uncovered after the man was caught up-skirting women in a local supermarket – prompting officers to search his home