
Expert Analysis of Handwriting of Baby Killer Lucy Letby Reveals Narcissistic Tendencies

Analysis of evil baby killer Lucy Letby’s handwritten shows she’s a ‘narcissist’ who should ‘never have been put in a position of responsibility,’ an expert claims.

Letby will die in prison after she was handed 14 whole life sentences for murdering seven babies and trying to kill another six while working at the Countess of Chester Hospital in Chester.

A number of notes amounting to a confession were found in her apartment by police, including one which said: “I am evil. I did this.”

READ MORE: Inside Lucy Letby’s sick colour coded system to track baby murder spree

The notes discovered in Letby’s diary give an insight into the killer’s warped mind, according to graphologist Tracey Trussell.

She told the Mail Online: “On first impressions you could be deceived into thinking she’s just an ordinary girl.

Letby’s handwriting shows she’s a narcissist

“But once you dig deeper and start looking at the broader picture the negatives quickly kicked in, putting an entirely different complexion on things.

“At this point, we see some graphic imbalances and strong clues to Letby’s character, affecting her behaviour.

“It is patently clear Letby should never have been put in a position of responsibility.”

It is still unclear why Letby, 33, carried out her horrifying crime spree.

Police found a number of handwritten notes when they searched Letby’s apartment

Her pals and parents still refuse to believe she’s guilty after she became just the fourth woman in British legal history to receive a whole life tariff, following fellow killers Rose West, Myra Hindley and Joanna Dennehy.

Studying her handwriting for clues into Letby’s personality, Tracey says the wide spacing shows that publicly she didn’t like people getting too close to her.

But her ‘reclining style of handwriting’, the expert claims, shows she was ‘withdrawn particularly when stressed’.

Tracey added: “Generally, there are excessively wide, stretched out letters, and in handwriting, excess always provides a gloomy outlook.

The motives behind Letby’s crime spree are still unclear

“Where broadness tips the balance and becomes overly broad, we have someone who teeters on the brink of vulnerability and will be unable to assert any self- discipline.

“Letby was likely to act impulsively and wilfully, without thought, and powerless to control strong subconscious urges. Plus, she lacked principles.

“It could be that she was spoiled in the past and felt entitled, so she behaved selfishly to meet her narcissistic ends.”

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Tracey reckons that once Letby was ‘on track to satisfy her cravings’, she wouldn’t have been able to stop.

One possible motive put forward is that the serial killer could have been vying for the attention of a married doctor at the hospital, who was killed in whenever a baby was in a life-or-death situation.

Shameless supporters of Letby have launched a bid to clear her name after what they called the “greatest miscarriage of justice the UK has ever witnessed”.

In recent news, the handwriting of baby killer Lucy Letby has been analyzed by experts to determine her psychological state at the time of her crimes. The analysis reveals that Letby may have had narcissistic tendencies, which could have contributed to her actions.

Lucy Letby was convicted in 2020 of murdering eight babies and attempting to murder nine more at the Countess of Chester Hospital in England. Her handwriting analysis was conducted by forensic document examiner, Dr. David Liebman, who specializes in analyzing handwriting to determine the psychological state of the writer.

Dr. Liebman’s analysis revealed that Letby’s handwriting showed signs of narcissism, which is characterized by a sense of superiority and entitlement. He noted that her handwriting was “overly embellished” and “exaggerated”, with large, sweeping strokes and an excessive use of capital letters. He also noted that she used a lot of personal pronouns, such as “I” and “me”, which is often seen in narcissistic writing.

Furthermore, Dr. Liebman observed that Letby’s handwriting showed signs of a lack of empathy, which is another trait associated with narcissism. He noted that her writing was “cold and detached”, with few emotional words or expressions. This could indicate that she was not able to empathize with her victims or their families.

The analysis of Lucy Letby’s handwriting provides insight into her psychological state at the time of her crimes. It suggests that she may have had narcissistic tendencies, which could have contributed to her actions. It is important to note, however, that this analysis is not definitive proof of her mental state; only a professional psychological evaluation can provide a definitive diagnosis.