
Russell Brand apologized and covered the cost of my rehabilitation.

Georgina Baillie, granddaughter of Andrew Sachs, expresses that she cannot forgive Jonathan Ross, despite Russell Brand apologizing and covering the costs for her rehabilitation.

  • Georgina was only 20 when Brand sent a late-night text ‘summoning’ her
  • Brand, who was ten years older and sober, answered his door in his Y-fronts

Georgina Baillie is a person who is easily influenced. At the age of 38, she acknowledges that she has been heavily dependent on alcohol or even worse substances for most of her adult years. As a result, there have been occasions where her parents, actor Charlie and voiceover artist Kate, have almost lost hope in her.

As for her ‘gentle’, ‘lovely’ grandfather, the Fawlty Towers star Andrew Sachs, they never really made peace after Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross ‘ripped my family apart’.

She is mentioning, obviously, the indecent messages that the duo recorded on Sachs’s answering machine regarding Brand’s sexual experiences with her. This incident, famously called the Sachsgate scandal, gained attention after The Mail on Sunday exposed their unacceptable conduct.

During Brand’s BBC Radio 2 show in 2008, the initial message featured Ross interrupting the comedian by exclaiming, ‘he engaged in sexual activity with your granddaughter.’ The subsequent messages included Brand singing, ‘The act was consensual and she was not menstruating.’

Quite how they found this shocking bullying of a mild-mannered, elderly man funny goodness knows, let alone how they thought it was acceptable to publicly humiliate a vulnerable young girl. Ross, remember, has two daughters of his own.

Georgina Baillie is a vulnerable soul. At 38 years old, she admits she's been 'out of my head' on alcohol , or worse, for the best part of her adult life

Georgina Baillie is a vulnerable soul. At 38 years old, she admits she’s been ‘out of my head’ on alcohol , or worse, for the best part of her adult life

In the first message, recorded and aired during Brand's BBC Radio 2 show in 2008, Ross interrupted the comedian, shouting, 'he f****ed your granddaughter'

During Brand’s BBC Radio 2 show in 2008, Ross interrupted the comedian in the first message by exclaiming, ‘he engaged in a sexual act with your granddaughter.’

Georgina was just 20 years old when Brand sent her a late-night message, asking her to come to his large house in Hampstead, North London in 2005. She had seen him on the spin-off show Big Brother’s Big Mouth and, like many others her age, found him amusing and attractive. Eager to meet him, she was excited when a mutual friend arranged for them to meet.

Brand, who was sober and ten years her senior, opened the door wearing only his Y-fronts.

“I was heavily intoxicated and had the thought, ‘This could be interesting,’ ” she admits. “I was quite naive and, without hesitation, I must admit, somewhat foolish. I was seeking a thrilling encounter, and that’s exactly what happened. He guided me to his bedroom, and I was completely unaware of my surroundings.”

Reflecting on the past, I wish to convey to the girl that she doesn’t need to proceed with her actions and should simply return home. However, I lacked an understanding of the repercussions at that time. I never had any intention of causing harm to anyone.

Georgina, a delicate and slender woman with the appearance of a porcelain doll, is so fragile that you feel the urge to embrace her when she starts to cry.

It is extremely difficult for me to accept that I caused my grandfather to be unhappy for a significant period of time. When I finally had the opportunity to spend time with him, he was no longer the same. He resided at Denville Hall, a residential care home for actors located in North West London. Although there were occasional moments when he was mentally clear, overall… She appears to be filled with immense sadness.

I encountered him on multiple occasions at that place, and it was extremely difficult. On the final occasion, he was confined to his room in a wheelchair due to pneumonia, and he was incredibly frail. I held his hands tightly like this.” She extends her hand towards mine. “And I told him, ‘Grandad, I deeply apologize for all the hardships I caused you. I have improved significantly now. You no longer need to be concerned about me.'”

He regained clarity in his eyes. He glanced at me and uttered, ‘Oh.’ Soon after, his face returned to its vacant state. I had a slight sense that he might have forgiven me, or at least I hoped so.

I refrain from informing her that during my conversation with her grandfather regarding what he referred to as ‘the dreadful, dreadful incident’, he expressed to me: ‘I never contemplate forgiveness. Forgiveness is reserved for the Lord, isn’t it?’

As for her 'gentle', 'lovely' grandfather, the Fawlty Towers star Andrew Sachs (pictured), they never really made peace after Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross 'ripped my family apart'

As for her ‘gentle’, ‘lovely’ grandfather, the Fawlty Towers star Andrew Sachs (pictured), they never really made peace after Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross ‘ripped my family apart’

Georgina is already feeling quite upset. Her fingers are moving back and forth in her lap. She gazes down at them and remarks, “When hands are idle, they can lead to trouble.”

I am unsure if this is a statement she learned while staying at rehabilitation centers three times after being in a ‘friends with benefits’ relationship with Brand for three years, or if these are the words spoken by her late grandparents, Sachs and Melody, during happier moments.

Today, Brand is facing allegations of sexual assault, rape, grooming, and predatory behavior towards multiple women after a four-year investigation conducted by Channel 4’s Dispatches. He refutes these ‘serious, disturbing, criminal allegations’.

Georgina expresses her surprise upon hearing those statements. The Russell she knows wouldn’t typically say such things. He used to mention wanting to play rough with her, like tossing her around, which she found appealing when she was 20.

Russell had a strong addiction to sex, both in the act itself and the pursuit of it. It is evident that he struggled greatly with this addiction, but unfortunately, instead of receiving support, he was being fueled by those who profited from his extreme behavior.

‘It’s almost the equivalent to someone saying, ‘Here’s some heroine. Shoot up right now. Shoot up in front of all these people because it will be funny.

In my perspective, that’s how I perceive it. After he tested the limits and received approval, I believe he believed, ‘I can express whatever I want and receive recognition for it. This is fantastic.’ The individuals who were guiding him, such as the agents, production companies, Channel 4, and the BBC, should have intervened and insisted, ‘No, you need to go to rehab and stay there for as long as necessary.’ However, he was a major attraction for them. If he hosted a program, everyone from my generation would tune in because he had the freedom to say anything without facing consequences.

The individuals who are currently betraying and abandoning him were previously willing to support and foster his unhealthy habits in exchange for financial gain. They were aware of his addiction to sex, and their involvement in his actions makes them responsible and deserving of consequences. Their support only fueled the negative consequences that have affected others.

“I, along with the other girls, am a victim of the negative consequences caused by this situation. It is quite disturbing to think about the experiences of that 16-year-old girl, ‘Alice’, who claims to have been driven from school in a BBC car for sexual encounters with Brand.”

“I cannot reword”

In 2018, he covered the expenses for her treatment at the BAC O’Connor centre in Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire. He has also provided financial support for the center’s activities. However, the center claims to have completely ended its association with Brand after the Dispatches program.

Russell was aware of my difficulties and saw the chance to make amends by sending me to rehab. He visited the facility during the Christmas party to distribute awards. My therapist informed me that Russell wanted to have a conversation with me. I became immobile and uncertain, responding, “I’m not sure if I’m willing to do that.”

However, he insisted on having a conversation with me and offered what seemed to be a genuine apology. He acknowledged that our relationship should have remained private and expressed regret for making it public. I noticed tears in his eyes, which made me emotional as well. The situation felt overwhelming to me. I express my concern to her about the fact that the same man who took advantage of her as a vulnerable young girl and then exposed her on national radio was allowed to be near her, especially during her therapy sessions.

“He seemed like a changed person,” she expresses. “In the past, he was able to get away with things, but he acknowledges that it was wrong. That’s all I can hope for. He mentioned having two daughters and now comprehends the suffering my grandfather endured. It felt sincere to me. I’m not defending him, I’m simply being honest.” Surprisingly, she still becomes enthusiastic when discussing Brand.

‘He met my friends. I met his mum Babs and I started to really like him. But, when you’re young like that you delude yourself. Well, I deluded myself quite a lot. There were times I thought, ‘I’m practically his girlfriend’ but he never said that to me. That was the crazy workings of a just-gone-teenage head.

Russell Brand breaking silence to deny serious allegations ahead of Channel 4 Dispatches

Russell Brand has spoken out to refute significant accusations prior to the airing of Channel 4 Dispatches.

Brand's PR firm MBC PR and talent agent Tavistock Wood no longer advertise him as a client, and his publisher Bluebird, an imprint of Pan Macmillan, have suspended their relationship. Pictured: Brand with his wife Laura

MBC PR, the PR firm representing Brand, and Tavistock Wood, his talent agent, have stopped promoting him as their client. Additionally, Bluebird, a publishing company under Pan Macmillan, has put their association with him on hold. The image shows Brand alongside his wife, Laura.

Russell Brand at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles in September 2008. The comedian has denied the allegations made against him

Russell Brand, the comedian, has refuted the accusations made against him at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles in September 2008.

I would occasionally receive messages from him late at night, usually between 11pm and 12pm. It was clear that he was looking for a casual encounter. As I’ve grown older, I now realize that it is an inappropriate time to reach out. He would suggest, “You should come over and see me.” I couldn’t help but wonder how many other girls he had dismissed to make space for me.

“I remember a time when I didn’t feel like going out because it was very late, and I was staying at my dad’s place. Russell referred to me as ‘pugnacious’. It’s impressive how well he speaks English,” she says with a smile.

“He would conclude the messages – which contained explicit content using unfamiliar vocabulary – with affectionate gestures at the end.”

Until I ceased responding to his phone calls, things were different. At the age of 23, I believed I had moved on to a new phase in my life where I desired a romantic partner. This seemed to bruise his ego a bit. He expressed disbelief that any girl would decline his invitation to visit. When he attempted to reach me, I informed him that I was seeing someone else, and that was the end of it.

“He sent a brief message stating that he probably won’t be seeing you anymore, or something similar. There were no affectionate gestures at the end, just a period. I didn’t receive any further communication from him until the day he contacted my grandad after three or four months.” She casually dismisses it. “I have forgiven him,” she states. “However, my sentiments towards Jonathan Ross are completely different.” Her expression now turns angry.

‘I don’t know what to say about him other than it’s just really sad that somebody who has daughters could think it’s OK [to leave those messages]. He’s never apologised to me. It makes me feel like I don’t matter and I’m just some disposable tart.’

After the Sachsgate scandal, which received over 40,000 complaints and was criticized by former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Brand and Radio 2 controller Lesley Douglas stepped down. Ross was suspended for a mere 12 weeks. While Ross issued a public apology, expressing deep regret for his immature and inconsiderate comments, and wrote a letter to Andrew Sachs, Georgina claims that Ross never personally apologized to her.

Their actions were actually rewarded as evidenced by the numerous bookings and significant financial gains they received.

‘Look how short the suspension of Jonathan Ross was. There were no consequences for that guy. Nothing. I try so hard to live my life without resentment but that’s one I’m still working on.

“I reached out to Honey, Ross’s daughter, on Instagram in the previous year,” she explains. “My intention was to have a conversation with her regarding the ongoing slut-shaming that persisted over the years. I asked her, ‘As someone who openly identifies as a feminist, what are your thoughts on this matter?'”

I waited a long time for her response. Eventually, she replied, “I was 13 when that happened.” I began to feel guilty because after rereading the message I had sent her, it did come across as somewhat offensive, so I apologized.

‘But what must they have been talking about in their house? Jonathan Ross is from that group of chauvinist presenters who were given the green light in the 1980s and 1990s. We’re in a different world now but he’s never seen fit to say a word to me. He should be ashamed of himself.’

Georgina, who has successfully maintained sobriety for three years, currently pursues a career as a professional artist. Her captivating artwork predominantly showcases the power and resilience of women.

Georgina attempted suicide after her grandmother passed away. She threw herself in front of a car and was subsequently admitted to a psychiatric facility. “I believed I could never fix things,” she recalls. “I was extremely ill. Following those harassing messages – which were indeed bullying, let’s be honest – Ross and Brand’s only excuse was to label me as promiscuous.”

I was extremely disoriented and faced issues with substance abuse involving alcohol and drugs. I was uncontrollable, causing chaos and making detrimental choices while others exploited my vulnerability.

‘I did topless modelling, which turned into more than that after being given drugs and alcohol on a shoot. So, I was vilified for the whole [Sachsgate] thing. I was the scarlet woman. There was a lot of shame. I guess I felt that it was me who was really, really bad.

I experienced a sense of guilt, believing that everything was my responsibility. Although they made the calls, I am the one who willingly placed myself in that situation. I disclosed my grandfather’s identity to Russell, which was a mistake on my part. I deeply regret my actions.

When I attempted suicide, I experienced a feeling of being trapped in a life that seemed unbearable, yet I had no understanding of how to escape that situation.

Today, she maintains a strong bond with her parents and is currently in the early stages of a positive romantic relationship. ‘On my initial day at rehab, Russell directed me to a practitioner named Voodoo Stu who specializes in reiki and similar practices. I was sitting there, sobbing uncontrollably, when I suddenly felt his firm grasp on my hands.

“I cannot reword”

I have no doubts about it. However, when it comes to Brand and Ross, as the beloved Andrew Sachs would say: ‘The act of forgiving is reserved for the Lord.’